Diarrhea in RiR hen w/in forum search data


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Aug 8, 2019
Happily caught in the 'Denton vortex', Tx
My Coop
My Coop
One of our girls a couple days ago started 2 traits that got my attention:
1) Poopy butt with white stuff on feathers below the vent.
2) slower movement and just hanging around in the run.

Pictures will be forthcoming shortly.

On day two’s evening chores with the flock… found her nestled in a section of folded tarp out in the run for the night.
3) her comb is slightly darker red and drooping down some.
4) picked her up gently & found her belly rather ballooned out a bit. Did not feel any egg in the expanded “ballon” area.

Made an emergency area for her in the spare room. Checked her over for any hint of mites. Did not see any. Nor had I noticed any read skin or inflammatory areas.

Gave her a small cup of plain yogurt and some selenium & E stuff. Added probiotics to her water.

She still has the diarrhea (white and green) doesn’t really smell worse then “normal” poop.
Her lethargy is stable & not worse. Her poop is not worse but, not yet better.

She has now (as I write this 5/5/22 ~15:30 CDT) been inside for 2.5 days. Just got home from TSC with some LA200. I will be calculating the corid dosage regiment (in water) for everyone again … just to be safe.

I am documenting some of my previous search’s here from the iPhone so I can update better from the desktop.

Using the on site search for : “diarrhea chickens” …. (Jaw drops) a lot of repeat threads. A LOT.

So here are a few select threads I have gathered on viable info shared in them that combined can help folks with their struggles as well…. I shall edit this post (and updates as well) as needed & as advised from those whom are much, much wiser then my humble beginnings here….








Over the next day or two, find out if she is laying eggs. Do you know if she lays regularly, and have you see any shell-less or abnormal eggs? Feel of her crop, to see if it is empty, full, hard, doughy, or puffy/soft. Then check it again each morning before she eats or drinks. A swollen lower belly under the vent could be a sign of ascites (water belly) or internal laying and other reproductive disorders. Try to tempt her to eat with some moistened chicken feed and scrambled egg. Add some vitamins to her food and water, or try something like Poultry NutriDrench given orally, 2 ml daily. I usually tell people not to medicate the whole flock, but only the sick chicken. You can do that by confining her to a wire dog crate with food and water. Did you mean to say corid dosage or correct dosage after the LA 200? LA 200 is an injectable form of oxytetracycline for cattle. It is usually injected into the breast muscle once every 3 days or only one time. Dosage is not official for chickens, but this thread recommended 1 ml injected:
Over the next day or two, find out if she is laying eggs. Do you know if she lays regularly, and have you see any shell-less or abnormal eggs? She & her sisters have not laid a brown egg for several weeks. Feel of her crop, to see if it is empty, full, hard, doughy, or puffy/soft. Then check it again each morning before she eats or drinks. A swollen lower belly under the vent could be a sign of ascites (water belly) or internal laying and other reproductive disorders. I will check again tonight and repeated as stated here! Try to tempt her to eat with some moistened chicken feed and scrambled egg. Add some vitamins to her food and water, or try something like Poultry NutriDrench given orally, 2 ml daily. So far I have done this “mostly” I have nutridrench just not given it or scrambled eggs yet…. I usually tell people not to medicate the whole flock, but only the sick chicken. You can do that by confining her to a wire dog crate with food and water. See picture below…. Did you mean to say corid dosage or correct dosage after the LA 200? Yes that was the “penciled in plan” that I had prepared to be ready for as I have the bottle “at the ready” - IF it’s deemed wise! LA 200 is an injectable form of oxytetracycline for cattle. It is usually injected into the breast muscle once every 3 days or only one time. I kinda figured this out today getting the bottle. Glad I have a few steril needles! Dosage is not official for chickens, but this thread recommended 1 ml injected:
https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/miracle-la-200-dosage-and-vetrx-for-crd-treatment.631458/. Thanks for this link, will study it shortly. Gonna give her some fresh veggies, yogurt, vitamins & nutridrench in water…. She’s actively eating some shredded salad, sunflower seeds, pumpkin purée, yogurt, mango purée & apple sauce (unsweetened)…

See my replies “IN GREEN Text” within her quote.


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