

12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
Lancaster, PA
Ok, Today is the third day I have had the chicks. I have been givingthem the Karo/water mixture and now they seem to be have=ing diarrhea this morning. Is it the Karo syrup? I guess I should nix it? ANy ideas? Thanks.
:cafHi Jodi. We just did the sugar water thing for one day then moved to plain tap water and chick feed keeping the treats to a minimum until they were almost 18 wks. old. We wanted them to start laying as soon as possible. Chick poop is not the firmest stuff in the world though. Is it looser than day 1 and 2? If so, then a bland diet would be better at least till things firm up. Did you ever think you'd be talking about chick poop and wiping their bottoms?!
lol Shawn
Yes,It is looser this morning, but I gave them bread and worms and grapes yesterday...I guess too much too early. Just excited, I guess!
Not all have loose poop, so I a thinking it is the aggressive ones that actually got all the stuff. I will stop the Karo. Should I add vinegar like I have read so many do? Aaah, chicken poop is nothing...I have three boys with bowel issues...seems I am talking about it nonstop with my sister inlaw, much to my other sister in laws chagrin.
I don't know about the vinegar. What effect does it have? Glad you don't mind dealing with poop issues. Just make sure to check for hard dried poop collecting on their bottoms. To keep the vent clear wet their bottoms with warm water and wipe gently.
If they are still have really watery poop, I would just give them plain tap water and their feed for a few days until you see some firmness return. From what I've observed from my own, chickens will generally lay poops in a pattern like this:

#1 fairly firm, some brown and white (dries into a cute little turd..lol)
#2 semi-firm, mostly brown
#3 brown, sorta watery, slightly stronger smell
#4 eeeww, really smelly, sticky and liquidy (in our house we call these the Poo-Bombs! They dont really dry, they just kinda 'smear' when you try to clean them up...lol And they smell AWFUL!

And then repeating back at #1 throughout the day. Maybe you are just noticing the #3 and #4 poops
Or...chances are more likely you may have slightly overindulged their little tummies with tasty tidbits.
I'd hold back all treats and water additives until they 'firm up' and then try just offering one thing at a time, maybe spacing them a day apart. Think of it like moving a new baby to baby foods; you try one at a time and watch for reactions before moving to something new.

I hope I've been somewhat helpful! Good luck with them poobutts...They only get smellier! lol
Lay off the treats and sweet water, that's what's giving them the runs. Remember these are babies and can get dehydrated very quickly suffering from runny poops.
They would probably be better off with vitamins and electrolytes than the sugar water. The sugar (Karo) water is only supposed to be the energy boost for their first day.

I add vitamins and electrolytes to the chick's water for the first 4 weeks. And when they are older, during times of stress - illness, injury, drastic change in weather.

If their diarrhea is still bad, try giving them a little plain fat-free yogurt with active cultures to boost the beneficial flora in their systems.

Good luck!

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