Did I almost kill my 2 week old chick?

Scotty from BI

Aug 26, 2015
I have 15 two week old chicks. I was using a gravity waterer with a round reservoir which is a pain because they poop in it and scratch wood chips into it. So I about 5 days ago switched them to a 5 gallon bucket with poultry nipples in the bottom. It looked like like all was going well and as far as I could tell they were all drinking from it and doing well. Two days ago I found a chick laying under the heat panel wing splayed out and barely conscious. I picked it up and put it on its feet but it could not stand. I took it out of the brooder into a separate box with food and water. Dunked it’s beak until it tried to drink. I gave it honey and water. It showed some slow progress but now in the second day of rehab it still seems week although it has started to eat and drink some. I gave her some egg yolk and electrolytes. I think she is improving but should it take this long. She was not injured, I have ruled out coccidiosis. Poop seems normal enough. So I am guessing she just did not get enough water when I removed the gravity waterer. How long should it take for recovery from severe dehydration if that is the problem?
Do you have any photos of her?

Severe dehydration may take a couple of days. If you have electrolytes or some Nutri-Drench try to get some of those into her.

Hydration first, food second. Once she is drinking well, then offer wet chick starter to see if that helps.

Sometimes, chicks may also have an unseen genetic or developmental disorder and they just fail to thrive.

Watch your other chicks to see that they are all drinking and check your heat panel to ensure the proper temperature and that they have plenty of cooler space to move around in.
I hope she recovers soon, keep us posted.
sorry I should’ve taken before and after photos but, she’s doing much better today. By tomorrow I think I should be ready to return her to the brooder to join her mates. So I am able to answer a couple questions now. Recovery from severe dehydration near death is about four days in a two week old chick. What worked for me was day one, sugar water, day two electrolyte water, day three and beyond Clear tap water. By day three she was standing on both feet and walking with a normal gait although slow and lethargic, flapping her new wings occassionally and chirping robustly. She is now eating and drinking on her own with regular normal looking poops. The first day she was near death eyes half closed unable to stand at all wings splayed out, lying on her side. So based on her recovery I am now convinced that her problem was actually dehydration. I now must figure a way to teach her how to use the nipple waterer So I don’t have a replay of this drama. Not sure how to do that since she didn’t get it the first time around. I can not put a dish of water in there because none of the others will use the nipples anymore.
I'm glad to hear that she is recovering.

I've never used the water nipples, so I don't really have any tips on teaching chicks to drink from them. You may want to search or hopefully someone else can chime in that used them.
I normally hang a small "conventional" waterer in the brooder and a nipple waterer (a half litre soda bottle). Suspending them (slightly) off the ground helps to keep the water cleaner. Having both seems to ease the transition to nipples.
I use the horizontal water nipples for my chicks but when they're at least 8 days old. Prior to that they get the inverted quart jars, I use doggie potty pads instead of shavings during this time.
To teach them how to use the nipples, I just "peck" with my finger at the metal piece & some water expels. Always will have a curious one that will come out to check it out. Once one starts, the rest follow....I do mark the container so I can watch the water level & the first few days I spend some time watching them & tapping the nipple to make are they know what it's all about.

Glad to know your chick's ok.

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