Did I end up with a naked neck "turken" or just a strange bird?


12 Years
I have a possibly stupid question.
I got a "barnyard mix" batch of chicks through my local feed store, and one of them seemed to lose all her fuzz due to sticking her head as far into the feeder as possible. That was early April, and she has never grown any feathers on her neck. Does this mean she's a stray naked neck that was put in my mix, or did she just scar her skin such that no feathers grew in? She's healthy otherwise. No sign of the others pecking at her or anything.

All I have is some older pictures - didn't realize I hadn't collected pics of her more recently.

I seem to remember I can't post pics, yet, according to the rules... so, here's links to my facebook photo album pics.:
[https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...148762.103626.1635885362&type=1&theater][/url] She's slightly left of center in the back.

[https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...148762.103626.1635885362&type=1&theater][/url] She's at the very back, center.

Opinions? Was it a freak mix-up at the chick place? Am I gonna win the stupid question of the day award?

If better pics are needed, I'll see if I can get her to pose tomorrow after work...

Thanks, in advance.
That's very weird! I'm definitely no Naked Neck expert, but I think NN's have no neck fluff on either the front or back of the neck. From the pictures it appears that she has fluff on the front, just not the back of her neck. Could just be the pictures though.
Thanks for taking a stab at it with these pics.
If I remember correctly, she has very little feathering on the front of her neck, and basically none on the back or sides.
I will definitely see if I can catch her in a pose tomorrow after work. Those pics were just to show my friends the overall look of my "new babies" as their feathers started coming in, and not to identify my "odd duck," so to speak.
I'm definitely intrigued, now! I thought the Naked Necks were considered a rare breed, and I definitely didn't pay "rare breed" price for these guys and gals! LOL
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Here's a link to the best pic I could coax out of her. Had to hold her with one hand and snap pics with the other

I discovered she's starting to get bites/sores from the roos (who desperately need thinned out, hopefully next weekend!) grabbing where there should be feathers and aren't any. I need to do something to help her besides just keeping an eye on the spots & medicating as needed, but darned if I know what...

Well, I'll be darned...
Guess they really didn't care which little ones they grabbed when they shipped my "barnyard mix" to the feed store

I apparently also got a couple of mixed Black Copper Marans, and I swear several of my Barred Rock roos have more of the stance and high arched tail feathers that a Dominique is "supposed" to have, though some of them are getting stocky like they're "supposed" to be. They also have the strawberry-shaped combs rather than "normal" cones.

We'll keep one of those, and one of the Plymouth Rock roos (or whatever they may *actually* be)

That's okay, I'm still getting eggs and meat, so they're serving their purpose

Thanks for your help :)
My avatar is my naked neck when it was born. It didn't have any feathers from birth.
Here it is at 5 weeks.

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