Did the USPS stop scanning packages?


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
I'm completely bewildered. I always mail with USPS Priority, and in the past packages were scanned when they were collected (or dropped off), and at each hub en route. A couple of weeks ago I mailed an expensive item Priority with insurance. Three days went by and the same message still appeared, that I had printed a label and notified the post office to expect the parcel. I started to get a little concerned that it had been lost and the insurance would be redundant as they had never officially accepted the package (although I dropped it off at the post office). I called the USPS and filed a complaint, as our local post office is just plain dreadful about not scanning packages, and when I ask them to the assistant is ticked to say the least. Usually they would be scanned further on down the line and the tracking information updated.

Anyway, the post mistress had the complaint forwarded to her and told me that the solution was to add delivery confirmation labels, although I didn't ever do that in the past. I use ClickNShip which says that delivery confirmation is free. However, she sent me a note to say that she will bill me at the end of each month for the additional 70 cents per package, and she started routinely putting them on my parcels (without asking!).

To further confuse matters, the three that she has done this with this week still haven't been scanned. So I have aggravated customers thinking I haven't sent their orders out, and it doesn't sound too convincing when I tell them that I have and the post office information is incorrect. I'm worried one of these days that they will lose a package and I will have to refund the customer, I'll have no item and I will have paid the shipping too.

Am I missing something? I've been to three different post offices and had the same result so far.
You're not the only one its happening to. I've had customers complaining that I haven't shipped their packages because they're getting the same message. And I've gotten the same message when I try to check on packages sent to me. We're paying for this feature and we're not getting what we pay for.

It's just another screw up with the Post Office.

I don't want to raise hell with the postmistress because she goes out of her way to be helpful, but it's a little much when i'm paying extra for another service that I shouldn't have to be using and it's still not going to plan!
I sent a serama out, I was told it would be there guaranteed next day at noon. Well I knew going into it, it might be delayed a day or what not. I tried tracking online and got nothing. After he left the post office I dropped him off at, he was scanned once and that was it. He wasn't scanned the entire trip except for when he got to the post office two days later and delivered. I was so upset knowing my chicken was just floating out there and no one knew where he was. Thankfully he made it to his destination ok. It was just too stressful for me. It was my first and last time doing it. Maybe I'm just paranoid
I'm glad I'm not the only one this is happening to. I'm planning on warning customer's of this pre-shipment. If enough of us complain, changes more than likely will be made.
I'm beginning to wonder whether they have a software issue. The postmistress asked me to give the packages to our mail lady instead of dropping them off at the lousy post office. She said she could give her the paperwork to scan it when she collected it, and would scan it herself when the mail lady brought it back to the post office. She called to try and fix the problem and even went to the trouble of sending me a bunch of delivery confirmation labels the next day with a letter explaining how we could rectify things. It's no better though.
Same problem here. When questioned about it she said that they didn't have to. The postal workers around here act like they could care less if you ever came into the po again. I guess they are just too lazy to actually have to do something.

The turnover rate for postmasters in this area seems to be very high as well and I swear they find a dumber one each time one moves on.
I sent a Money Order to VA a few weeks ago. It left the NH sorting office and just disapeared for 8 days.

Yep, not a thing I could do about it. It was approaching the required 14 day period that they would HAVE to track it down when i get this message that it was at the VA post office waiting to be picked up or sent out.

THIS WAS A PRIORITY mailing WITH a dilevery confirmation. Th USPS has lost their minds. They seem to be cutting every corner they can.

I personally think that they are now using ground delivery instead of the air frieght in passenger planes.

I think it is all about to come to a screaching disaster as more and more people I hear are having big problems with their mailings.

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