Did you misunderstand?

i totally misunderstood the lyrics of "blinded by the light" by manford mann, but since this is a family site, ill leave it at that!!

I have another one: I was driving my son and his friend to another friends house one day and we passed a sign that Used Car Tent Sale. My son's friend said "Who would want a used car tent?"
My daughter, in a public restroom, wondered aloud why anyone would pay 25 cents for a napkin when the papertowels were free.
When I was younger I would go around the house singing
"Hell's Fire"(even would sing that in public)......I knew all the words to it, and song it to a T....I even sing it "Hell's Fire" NOW....lol

The actual song is "Elvira"......(I though Elvira was Hell's Fire)
Every person I know went through that a period when Whataburger was Water burger . . . I never understood why they'd name it that, though one theory I had was that they boiled the burgers in water.

My aunt got upset with me once, enough to confront my Mom about the lack of education I was getting in regards to religion. I told her I didn't give anything to Lynn. Which I hadn't, because I didn't know anyone named Lynn who had asked me for anything. Turns out I completely misunderstood her when she had asked me what I'd given up for Lent.

There's this song that has a part that goes "I'm blue da ba dee da ba die" . . . I thought it said "I'm blue, come with me come and die." I thought it was some sort of strange suicidal recruitment song, which made me feel guilty for liking it so much.
I read this in a magazine a long time ago . . . maybe Readers Digest, because it sounds like something they'd put in their joke section . . . where a mother was concerned for her young daughter when the radio played a song that sang "Lonely women make good lovers." The mother was relieved when the daughter piped up about how true that song was, that "Only women make good mothers."
Back in the '80's, a girlfriend of mine thought that the song Amadeus was "Hot Potatoes". We let her sing, "Hot Potatoes, Hot Potatoes", for weeks before we filled her in.

When I was still like a pre-teen into like my mid-teens, I thought that "Menopause" was "Men On Pause". When all the women in the family were alone, these talks of "Men on Pause" would come up. I finally asked my Mom why we put men on pause, was it because we just get so fed up with them after awhile? Why not just take them off of pause if it was too bad without them. I will NEVER live it down. LOL
When my DD20 was about 3 or 4, the song "Why Haven't I Heard from You?" by Reba McIntire came out. The video showed her in a courtroom and, at one point, the judge started playing the saxophone.

We were driving down the road one day and the song came on the radio. Just as it got to the saxophone part, my DD said, "Listen! She's getting ready to blow the judge!" I thought my DH and I would both pee ourselves laughing!

Also, the song (a remake done by Reba), "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" - the line where she says, "and he started to shake..." - DD20 (at about age 3 or 4) thought she was saying, "and he started to sh*&" and just loved singing it as loudly as she could, thinking she was "getting away" with saying a bad word because it was in the song!

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