Digger is a mama!


10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
We have only had chooks for a year now. It was about this time last year we took our rooster as part of a group destined for freezer camp. Then when he turned out to be a sweetie, we had to get him some girls. First a couple RIR, then in March a BR and Australorp. All were acquired locally as young started pullets.

Three weeks ago Digger our BR went hard core broody. I finally gave up breaking her and let her sit 5 eggs. Of the originals, only one was left a wk ago but 2 new ones appeared. The marked egg hatched Friday. The pic is here with her little white mutt, teaching it how to eat and drink.
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FYI they are both on chick starter now. The egg had been chirping for a couple days, and the watery scramble is Digger's morning treat. The little thing surprised us by coming out overnight.
Yeah, I wasn't sure, her not being even a year old. I did try to make sure she got feed supplements. The only hitch is I had to remove her and the little one from the brooder to empty all the bedding. She keeps showing it how to FIND food...and buries the waterer under a pile of bedding. They were back inside in minutes but she gave me all kinds of grief about it.
I have wondered if she was even a rock sometimes. Her eggs are a shiny terra cotta, and her legs are gray over pink. The breeder who sold them is not a show type, realy country, a gravedigger. "Digger" keeps holes around the yard where she likes to hide. She really disappears at the base of a white oak.
Yes, I had been wondering if she was a Maran. For my purposes as a pet it doesn't really matter. I need to ask POP57 if he sold this fellow some birds. I can't imagine him acquiring Marans otherwise.

She is the most devoted mother, and this lone chick will be spoiled rotten

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