Dimensions of breeding pen


Poultry Lit Chaser
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Hi fellowlisters,
I have a question. I have an opportunity to buy large square wooden crates that are 8.2 square feet and 28 in high. If I add a small run to this , is it big enough for a breeding pen ? how many chicks could a hen raise in this area? Thinking of keeping them confined inside until about 4 weeks old and then letting them out into the small attached run.
Thank you,
Do you mean breeding or brooding? I.e. a space for a rooster and a few hens to work on fertility, or space for a mother hen to raise her chicks?

To reply about the space for chicks and a hen, I think it's a little small for the hen. Maybe enough to brood chicks indoors with a heat lamp. But not for mom.
I have an opportunity to buy large square wooden crates that are 8.2 square feet and 28 in high.
8' x 8'...or 2' x 4'?
Would you be able to access inside easily?
Got a pic?

I wouldn't keep broody and chicks confined until 4 weeks,
with their own run mama would take them out much sooner,
provided runs were weather protected.
Wonders about integrating them into the flock?
2by4. Ok I could put two crates together. I have never built breeding pens before. Always used incubators and brooding boxes, then sold the extra and introduced the chicks to the flock at three months old. How do y'all do breeding pens?

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