Direction desperately needed, please!

I'd only offer one other bit of advice here. I live in OK and the NOAA weather radio woke me up day before yesterday, and that gave me an hour notice to get horses and chickens in before it hit here. It was a very fast moving and violent storm and they warned of hail the size of 1/2 dollars. So I jumped up, grabbed a jacket and ran outside to put the animals away. I was back inside for about 5 mins when it hit. If you don't have a NOAA weather radio, I'd get one and set it to give you warning of storms heading your way. I absolutely love having the advance warning that radio gives me.

I'm sorry you lost so many of your chickens, that just absolutely is heart rending.
I would never bring in anything other than day olds or eggs, I have read way to many post here of bad things with illness. Hubby and I sat down this morning and made an order for new chicks from Cackle hatchery as they are close to us. After talking we both realized the EE girls in our flock have always been our favorites so we ordered only those with roos to go with them. So we are starting all over again.
Excellent suggestion!!! May I ask where you got yours?? I grew up in Ks where you could see the storm come in, here in central MO there are to many trees!
I sent you a PM but for anyone else that might need one, I know Walmart & Radio Shack carry them. Here in OK a lot of other stores carry them too, but those 2 for sure. They're very inexpensive for a pretty basic one, which is what I got. I can program in the counties I want alerts for, and whether I want to be alerted for watched and warnings or just warnings, Thunder storms, hail, tornadoes, etc. I LOVE that thing.

My husband works away from home for 24 hr shifts and the joke around here on a bad night is, "I'm exhausted, I spent the night with Gary England (CBS weather man) and NOAA. They both kept me jumpin' all night!".

I have learned from experience that when the NOAA guys say, "Take shelter below ground NOW" not to screw around. I get down in the shelter til we get an all clear and then come on up to find out it's missed us again, but when I get that alert 10 mins or more before the TV announces it, it can really help.
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I sent you a PM but for anyone else that might need one, I know Walmart & Radio Shack carry them. Here in OK a lot of other stores carry them too, but those 2 for sure. They're very inexpensive for a pretty basic one, which is what I got. I can program in the counties I want alerts for, and whether I want to be alerted for watched and warnings or just warnings, Thunder storms, hail, tornadoes, etc. I LOVE that thing.

My husband works away from home for 24 hr shifts and the joke around here on a bad night is, "I'm exhausted, I spent the night with Gary England (CBS weather man) and NOAA. They both kept me jumpin' all night!".

I have learned from experience that when the NOAA guys say, "Take shelter below ground NOW" not to screw around. I get down in the shelter til we get an all clear and then come on up to find out it's missed us again, but when I get that alert 10 mins or more before the TV announces it, it can really help.
This is too funny! My hubby works 3 weeks shifts offshore so now I can keep comany with the weather man as well LMAO!!!
LOL! And ain't it amazing how nothing major ever happens when they're home? Tornado hits barn, he's at work. Horse crushes my foot and I get compartment syndrome, he's at work. NOAA wakes me up the other day for the big hail/rain/snow/ice storm with 75 mph winds.......yep, you got it, he's at work! He has the most amazing timing, he got off work that morning and came up the driveway as I was putting feed down for the last horse. All he had to do was walk inside with me. How doe he manage that so consistently, I wonder?
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Excellent suggestion!!! May I ask where you got yours?? I grew up in Ks where you could see the storm come in, here in central MO there are to many trees!
I agree with dreamcatcher - we have an alert system through my I phone for emergency alerts and I signed on for it. I check my weather each day before I leave for work and if there is anything critical the horse is shut in the stall. I dont know about chickens but the horses instinct is to run in front of the storm and they dont like covered places.
LOL! And ain't it amazing how nothing major ever happens when they're home? Tornado hits barn, he's at work. Horse crushes my foot and I get compartment syndrome, he's at work. NOAA wakes me up the other day for the big hail/rain/snow/ice storm with 75 mph winds.......yep, you got it, he's at work! He has the most amazing timing, he got off work that morning and came up the driveway as I was putting feed down for the last horse. All he had to do was walk inside with me. How doe he manage that so consistently, I wonder?
Historicaly that is how it goes here, I get to take care of all the bad stuff, NOTHING ever breaks down with him home, I have become quite Mrs fix it over the years!
I always avoid trying to buy animals from places that keep so many birds together that they have to go as far as debeaking them by cutting part of their beak of the most beat up hens I've ever seen have been debeaked hens I usually get my animals from farms that are smaller and I always quarantine and take preventative measures before adding it to my birds and some animals I have bought adult that needed a home and where sick have ended up being some of the best
I always avoid trying to buy animals from places that keep so many birds together that they have to go as far as debeaking them by cutting part of their beak of the most beat up hens I've ever seen have been debeaked hens I usually get my animals from farms that are smaller and I always quarantine and take preventative measures before adding it to my birds and some animals I have bought adult that needed a home and where sick have ended up being some of the best
I absoloutly would not spend my money on debeaked hens and perpetuate that practice, not for me. My grandfather was a huge poultry guy and he pounded in my head eggs or chick only are to be brought on the property, so I go with that, then you read about all the illness on here from people bringing in new birds and it does not go well. I am not set up to quarantine birds either, and would not know how to do it anyway.

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