dirty guinea keets


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
how do i give a 7 week old guinea keet a bath??
im new can you tell???

I don't see want you can't in a tub or sink.... I use dawn soap on my chickens.
Haven't bathed my guineas but i'm sure with the way they are it won't be easy.
Just make sure they are dry... if need be use a blowdryer.

Good luck with that! You may want someone to take video.

Seriously, my only idea is that you're going to need two people. One to hold and control the guinea. The other to apply soap, water, etc. If you do it alone, I think the moment you stop holding it with both hands it is going to bail on you and you will not catch it again.

Let us know how it goes, I'm rooting for you.

Edited to add: Our keets went thru a phase of extreme stinkiness somewhere in adolescence, even though they were not dirty (clean coop, free range, etc). There was a thread a while ago about other people with the same issue. So if that's why you think they're dirty, you may just want to wait it out. I promise, it does go away.
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well there are 21 and i guesss i will layer the bathroom with paper towels so they dont poop all over and put them all in the tub and i will deffinatly have a video goin. they are in a secure pen with shavings and stuff but i think its just so many of them in one box. even though its a pretty big box.
Guinea fowl don't do very good when they get wet. I think you would be doing them a huge disservice by washing them. I can only think of one reason to wash fowl and that is if you are preparing for a show. I guess the other reason is if they had an injury or something of that nature. If they are indoors and stink get them outside.

I would not wash 21 keets for any money for my own sanity and for theirs its just a big mistake
I am afraid that I am going to have to SECOND this one.

The NUMBER ONE cause of death for a keet is getting them wet and then not having warmth. Even when you think a keet is dry, they probably are not.

Bird get dirty all the time, eventually they will preen enough to get through it.

G. G.
Goonie, thats what I've heard, that water logging is the #1 death of guineas, one reason its so important to make sure guinea keets can't sit/submerge in water.

I third this, don't wash them unless your showing them. They are a wild type bird, they wille ventually clean themselves. Guineas start stinking at the adolescent stage for some reason - don't know why. I agree- i've smelled that crazy stink before and its natural. even if you managed to wash them, dry them, and not lose any they'll probably start stinking again in a week - so all was for nothing. The smell will go on in a few weeks I bet - you'll just have to deal till then
well the white ones got really nasty like all muddy and poopy and i was selling them to a local and i figured that i would clean them up.

so i had them in the dog crate walking to the house and i didnt even get inside when mom was sitting right there and she said, " not in my house are you washing that many guineas." so i was all like grrrrrrrrr and stuff then i walked back out to the chiken coop and seperated mine from the lady's and now i will go some time today to give her dirty keets and pick up fertile goose eggs.
oh the life of a teenager.

oh and for those of you who thought that they would drown, i was only going to put a couple of inches of water in there and then i would take them one at a time and get the muck off of them. so there would be no hope of them drowning also, its like 93 degrees around here so they would have no problem staying warm.
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