Disabled Chickens Forum

Hannah did not have the strength to move on grass, especially ours which is not a level lot, but she was happy as could be sitting in it and being with us and some of her pals. We would move her around the garden if we were working in there. We purchased everything we needed to make this for a bit less than $100. I believe. That was early this past spring. If you go to the link you can see photos of us actually making it. We feel ours is better than some we have seen online for lots of money. It's adjustable and we like how we designed, made, and attached the sling. :)
You did a great job with your wheelchair. And yes, Hannah didn't really need to move - she just needed to be with you and her flock.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is a loss that is heart wrenching. Only those of us with chickens/birds, that are dependent, understand what a privilege it is to take care of them. Hannah is so beautiful and looks happy in the picture. My sister just made my Penny a wheelchair. For two nights, she got a bunch of co-workers together to help. We are still acclimating to the chair.
Thank you so much. Yes, we were so happy to have had Hannah for as long as we did. We made her 'retirement' as nice as we could for her. I think she liked being in our room with us, safe. She loved the 'wheelie'! We would turn a pasta cooking pot upsidedown and put it on the floor or ground outside in front of her, and put 2 little bowls on it---one of food and one water. It was just the right height! Sometimes she would not eat, but the secret weapon was grapes, which she could not resist! She waited for a little bowl of grapes first thing every morning! Later she would then have her feed, lol! Sending good thoughts to you and your little Penny!
An excellent idea! My 9 year old Gray could only go about 10 ft with her bad hip. We would 'Uber' her around the property, and take her hunting. Sadly she 20230801_191400.jpg and her 8 year old sister were killed by a fox last week. Now we have one lonely 8 year old left, and are not getting any more. Older chickens have different problems, including diet.
Whenever a separate thread is made for disabled chickens, please tag me.

I have a nearly nine week old rooster named Ollie who was born with one leg facing the wrong direction. Needless to say, he couldn't walk, and once it became clear that his bad leg was losing circulation and dying, the decision was made to amputate. He's done great and can hop quite well. All I have to do is hold out my arms and he comes hopping as fast as his little leg can.

I would love place to discuss our disabled birds.

Side note: @dawg53 , Thank you for your service.
Thank you so much. Yes, we were so happy to have had Hannah for as long as we did. We made her 'retirement' as nice as we could for her. I think she liked being in our room with us, safe. She loved the 'wheelie'! We would turn a pasta cooking pot upsidedown and put it on the floor or ground outside in front of her, and put 2 little bowls on it---one of food and one water. It was just the right height! Sometimes she would not eat, but the secret weapon was grapes, which she could not resist! She waited for a little bowl of grapes first thing every morning! Later she would then have her feed, lol! Sending good thoughts to you and your little Penny!
BTW. I moved to SC from Pepperell MA just last summer. I still manage a surgical practice that had offices in Chelmsford & Lowell MA, and Nashua NH. Love NH.
Whenever a separate thread is made for disabled chickens, please tag me.

I have a nearly nine week old rooster named Ollie who was born with one leg facing the wrong direction. Needless to say, he couldn't walk, and once it became clear that his bad leg was losing circulation and dying, the decision was made to amputate. He's done great and can hop quite well. All I have to do is hold out my arms and he comes hopping as fast as his little leg can.

I would love place to discuss our disabled birds.

Side note: @dawg53 , Thank you for your service.
I would love to see a picture of Ollie. What a fighter.
I would love to see a picture of Ollie. What a fighter.
I'll get a photo of him on Monday for his 9 week mark. ❤️

His mother is a barred rock and his dad was a mutt. Varity the BR is one of the strongest, if not the strongest chicken I've ever had. He gets it from her. I'm hoping he inherits his dad's big spurs. Ollie is a fourth generation descendant from my late best rooster, and every descendant this far has had the same huge spurs.
I am disappointed we cannot have a forum for Retired and Disabled Chickens simply because some people don't understand the word "Emergency".
I decided to stop culling my hens a while ago and now have retirees and those with wobbles, disabilities after getting illnesses, etc. Searching through an endlessly long thread for info or ideas often takes hours with zero relevant results.
I find I spend more time searching the internet for other sources, not BYC, to guide me.

I have 24 chickens and more than half are retirees with some physical issue. For as long as they want to eat and try to move around, I do what I can to help them enjoy their lives. They've given me eggs and fertilized our property as they roamed freely, and given my family a lot of pleasure.

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