Dislocated hips or splayed legs?

Thanks Nabiki and 007Sean, if it is a food issue that would be easy to fix. All three chicks are on the same game bird starter, which is 24% protein. The isolated chick has its own heat lamp so I'll be sure to keep it warm.

I will make the changes and observe, see how it goes over the next few days. It would be good if it were a dietary issue rather than neurological so I don't have to cull, but we'll see.
If it is a nutritional issue, you may or may not be able to correct it....if it's from a deficiency in the parent stock, you might not be able to correct it by offering a better nutritional feed to their offspring....in other words, it would be a genetical nutritional deficiency. Usually, those kinds of deficiency's are noticed at hatch.
On the other hand, if it's just a nutritional issue from inadequate feed, then changing over to a complete and balanced feed should improve the health of the birds in question....it may not be immediate but could take weeks or a month to notice any improvements.

If it's a neurological issue, most likely that is a genetical defect and not easily fixed via nutritional intake, ie; vitamin E, selenium, such as is used for wry neck syndrome. Neurological issues usually don't end well.
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