Disturbing hen on nest. Can she delay laying?


11 Years
Jun 19, 2008
St. Isidore
My son and I went to check eggs and Scuttlebutt was on her nest. Then she pushed stuff around, squawked a bit and left right behind us. If we disturbed her getting ready to lay then will she hold off and lay later or can they do that? She is a new layer.
I've disturbed mine from time to time. What usually happens is I will go to let them out while a hen is on the nest. She'll leave the nest and run out the door with the others just to make sure she's not missing out on a treat or something. She goes back to the nest after a short while and takes care of business.
Whew. OK. Thanks. My son just came running in and said she is on the nest again so I will go check later. Oh the stresses these little sweeties put us though.
I have a new pullet that I thought might be sitting on an egg and she was. I added a few more eggs to see what she would do. She got up and after 30 minutes was still not back to sitting.

Can I leave the eggs in there for a while to see if she will sit?

I wouldn't say she is broody but she did peck my finger several times which is unlike her.
They dont like to be watched !!! Some of mine do the same, some dont mind me in the coop while laying !!!
My RIR girls get to squawlking when I disturb them, youd think I walked in on them in the shower. But they go back in a few minutes. My EE's will usually stay sitting but I dont think they actually lay till I leave.

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