Dixie Rainbows?


10 Years
Feb 3, 2013
I went to my local feed store today and saw some chicks listed as Rainbow Dixie chicks? Does anyone have any experience with these?
I had 12, 7 were Roosters that were processed and weighted 3.8 to 5.2 pounds at 12 weeks, the 5 hens are good layers but grow big really fast and eat a lot, nice hens but i would not order more, the Sapphire Gems that i bought at the same time are a prettier and more economical hen in my opinion.
I have 2 Dixie Rainbow hens that are 2 yrs old. One is HUGE (nearly 8 lbs), has the temperament of a meat bird, eats a lot and lays about 4 large eggs/wk. The other is just under 7 lbs, docile, intelligent, inquisitive, eats about the same as my other layers and will lay a HUGE egg that weighs around 80g for 8-9 days in a row, takes a break on day 9 or 10. She is my favorite chicken.
I was not a fan at first but i still have 2 Dixie Rainbows left and they are going into there third year, they lay 5 to 6 eggs a week and along with the same age Sapphire Gems they are my favorites they are huge and friendly, will order more from Hoovers next spring.

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