Dizzy chick? Maybe vertigo?


6 Years
Jun 9, 2013
Northern Virginia
I have a week old EE chick who has been acting very odd lately. Up until yesterday she was the best chick in the group, friendly, energetic, and relaxed. But yesterday she started to shake her head side to side as if looking around. This lasts for a few seconds and then she runs in tight circles, very quickly. Once she laid her head all the back until it touched her back and just sat there. This happens in stints and then she acts perfectly normal. She's the biggest and otherwise healthiest in the bunch. Panicked and dizzy would be the best ways to describe it. Any ideas?
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How old is she? She could be developing signs of wry neck, a neurologicql symptom that can include a twisted neck, and running backwards or in circles. It can be caused by a head injury, a vitamin deficiency, and can be seen in some infectious diseases. Chick vitamins including thiamine, vitamin E, and a little chopped egg for selenium are important to give her. In a pinch you can give liquid no iron baby vitamins 2-3 drops by mouth daily. Feeding her is very important, so wet chicken feed in a bowl can be fed to her by wrapping her in a towel if she doesn't take enough.
She's 8 days old today. I had a hen with wry nexk a few years ago but the symptoms look different. She eats by herself but I will feed her by hand just in case. Would TSC carry the vitamins? Or do I administer them in another form? Thank you for your help
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Yes, TSC should have a variety of chick vitamins. They have Rooster Booster Vitamins With Lactobacillus to mix in the water. Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell vitamin Tonic is good to use, and dosage is 1 ml orally once a day for a baby chick. The neck movements back and forth sound neurological, not exactly wry neck, but along the same lines. But I would also check the crop to make sure that it is not big and impacted. Chicks sometimes get crop impaction from eating pine shavings or from eating food other than chick feed that may require chick grit to digest.

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