Do drake feathers grow back?


Duck love is recognizable in any language
Nov 26, 2018
London, UK
My Coop
My Coop
My male Pekin drake is 1 year 7 months. At least around that age. He "grew out" of his drake feather when he was 1 yr. Now a couple days ago he decides to grow it back.

Also another one of my Drake's has 6 drake feathers... He literally keeps getting more. He started with one, two days later three, then four, five and six.

Is this normal?
My 3 yr old Runner grows one then loses it out in the property then later grows one again and loses it again so right now he hasn’t one. My young 4 month old Runner drake has 2 and so far has managed to keep his. LOL. Aren’t they funny.
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Our drake lost his feather months ago. According to @Magnolia Ducks , that has not effected his fertility rate. She says all seven in the bator are fertile.
Yep eclipse doesn't seem to effect fertility. Bandits eggs in the spring always had at least two unfertilized. fall eggs are all fertile. I need to join a hatch along.

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