Do ducks pick on an injured one like chickens will?


6 Years
Apr 26, 2014
We have a duck that was injured earlier today, and dead later and had a lot of feathers pulled out. I've never seen our flock go after an injured one before, but I know chickens do.
yeah they will. ive had ducklings and ducks pick on a weaker duck or duckling in the flock but they dont eat them at least i have had one eat the other after dead.
What possibly happened?...The Duck died and the others were noodling it to get it to get up.....Ducks bond and are very curious....No, they are not cannibals like Chickens....

Sorry your Duck died...:(


I agree. And i dont think the ducks pulled out the other ducks feathers.... i think something else prob picked at her after she died. Or a larger bird of prey killed her since you said she was injured. Was there blood? Maybe whatever killed her or pulled out her feathers got scared off before it could do anymore.....
He wasn't bloody. His injuries were from a couple weeks ago mink attack. Both of our boys just never quite got back to normal. I would have thought hawk, wild cat, etc., except no blood. Just some feathers plucked out (and he was SUPER mud covered). It was so weird I couldn't think of anything except his pals who wouldn't draw blood. (And he was just barely breathing when we found him, died within a minute or so, so it's not like he died from a wound and didn't bleed.) we have had the weirdest stuff going on here this year!!!

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