Do I have a disease running through my flock????


7 Years
Feb 7, 2012
About a month ago I found one of my Leghorn pullets lying on the floor of our coop, dead. The day before she was fine.

A couple days ago me and my brother gave one of my little EE pullets a bath and she wriggled a lot and her head accidentally
went under water a few times. The next day my brother found her laying down by our coop. She couldn't lift her head and wouldn't eat or drink. We put her in a little crate with straw but She died soon after. And the day after she died I found one of my Silkie cockerels dead in the coop, He has been very skinny lately.
And today one of my broiler cockerels was lying on the coop floor, he looked dead and wasn't moving but I went over to him and picked him up and he opened his eyes but didn't move at all. I separated him from all the other chickens. He wont eat or drink. Is there anything else I can do for him? Do you think I have some kind of disease in my flock?
I would treat them all for coccidiosis to at least rule out that possibility. Then I would deworm them if you don't already have them on a regular deworming program.

How old are these birds and are there any other symptoms at all? Runny poop? Any odd respiratory sounds? Have you checked them carefully for lice/mites?
The Leghorn was 5 or 6 months old when she died, The EE was around 2 months old, the Silkie was born April 10th, and the broiler was born at the end of March. They are free range, and I haven't been watching for runny poop. I haven't heard any respiratory sounds or hard breathing. And no, I have not checked them for flees/lice. How can you tell if they have flees or lice?

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