Do I need to build a pond if I get ducks?

Typically a bucket with fresh water in it is all they need. The reason for getting their heads wet is to clean out the nostrils. They tend to shovel all their food into their beaks and clog up their noses very easily :)

I provide my guys with a kiddie pool and the few that use it love it. Only a few have been able to figure out how to get in the pool. The geese have it easy, but the ducks have to jump a bit to get in. The other ducks are content to bathe in the mud. The pool is not deep at all, but good enough for them to dip themselves and get clean.
I have 5 4week old geese and 2 4 week ducklings. I use an inflatable one ring pool for them its roughly 3 fee t round and the side are soft so they can climb in and out without much difficulty. It also is not deep enough to woory about drowning. They love it its not deep enough for swimming but it cool them off as well as keeps them clean.
Well I have two ducks that live in with my chickens and for the most part everyone gets along fine, I have a kiddie pool in with them which they love and they really love it when I dump out the " yucky "water and it makes a big mud puddle- chickens are not crazy about the water but they will play in it alittle, but my ducks have started to be a little bossy with the chickens and dont like anyone near thier pool they even chase each other away from it sometimes I might be adding another pool. It will be a his and his pool since mine are both male LOL

I have 11 ducks and 7 geese (for now). The geese and 2 of the ducks go down to the creek which they love! But now the new ducks (the other 9) the geese wont let them in the creek and I dont think they are sure enough to go in there yet.. It is fun to watch them run down to the creek and just look at it. Before I let them free range (well i still do it now).. but as I am watering all the animals.. I have a little area where I let the water just run into the ground. By the time I am done they have a huge "puddle" of muddy water and they love it! Then they go to the water buckets to clean themselves off. It is funny to watch. The didnt go for the kiddy pool. I guess they like the muddy water better..LOL

I have my chickens in the same area.. and u can tell the ducks run the place.. They get a long quite well though. I keep bringing new animals home and they all just seem to get along..

I recently sold my four ducks to a family with a farm pond and a beautiful duck house. I felt bad keeping them with the kiddie wading pool, even though its all they've ever known and they loved it. I really didn't feel like dealing with messy ducks through the winter. What a joy it is now to drive by and see them happily swimming on their new pond! I am glad I sold them to a good owner where they can swim like ducks should! But I'm sure that, come spring, I will be raising more ducklings in the wading pool...they are addicting...and so cute!
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"I recently sold my four ducks to a family with a farm pond and a beautiful duck house. I felt bad keeping them with the kiddie wading pool, even though its all they've ever known and they loved it. "

I know the feeling. When we let our muscovies out to play last night (3 1/2 months old), they took off running, flapped their wings, and flew for about 100 yards. They seemed so happy to be able to get out and fly! Unfortunately I cannot let them out unless we are there to watch. I wish we could find a way to stop the predation-they would enjoy being able to roam more often I am sure.
When I had ducks I just bought one of those kiddie pools, stack bricks like steps so they can get in.Be sure to clean the water often.The water turns brown/green in a matter of two days!!!

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