Do I need to separate more then one brooding hen


6 Years
Feb 21, 2018
South Central MO
Hello All; I have several hens brooding at the same time and was wondering if I need to separate them from each other?
The hens are brooding in the same coop but in their own nests. I was wondering if when babies hatch then would each hen tend to their own or will the girls attack other chicks in the group?
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Depending upon the temperament of the hens, co brooding can work. Other times they steal eggs from one another sometimes jostling and inadvertently cracking them. My experiences with hens sharing a nest have resulted in low % hatches.
Thank you so much but I guess I should have explained my situation. I have several hens brooding in the same coop but in their own nests. I was wondering if when babies hatch then would they each tend to their own or attack others chicks in the group?
I don't have alot of experience yet. In fact I am mid first broody hatch. However, I have a mixed flock of 4 millie defluer/Cochin and an Isbar a Maran and a Swedish flower. Everyone but my Swedish flower and 1 mix went broody in time. First the Isbar and 2 of the mixes. I have a rooster so I gave them 3 eggs. A few days before they were set to hatch the Maran went broody and just sat in the coop. No eggs I knew of except when the Isbar left. The chicks hatched on Mother's day. Maran was still intent on hatching I gave her 7 eggs. Unbeknownst, to me they appearently had 2 more eggs in there. They hatched on the 12th. When they hatched one more mix went broody. Now one of the original 3 went back in the coop and is sharing eggs with maran and the newest broody... Hopefully, she's just hanging out to get the latest babies moving. Also, I had to buy store eggs :/. So it can happen. As mentioned it just depends on your breeds, enviroment and so on. I think next year I'll separate the first broodies to hopefully keep the rest from going. If you can I'd give it a go. Just don't give then expensive eggs the first time around just in case..
Oh, I should add by separate I mean put them in my prefab coop/run to the side of the flock so I don't have to reintroduce the hens.. Maybe get a few flower hens and let them again next year?
I don't have alot of experience yet. In fact I am mid first broody hatch. However, I have a mixed flock of 4 millie defluer/Cochin and an Isbar a Maran and a Swedish flower. Everyone but my Swedish flower and 1 mix went broody in time. First the Isbar and 2 of the mixes. I have a rooster so I gave them 3 eggs. A few days before they were set to hatch the Maran went broody and just sat in the coop. No eggs I knew of except when the Isbar left. The chicks hatched on Mother's day. Maran was still intent on hatching I gave her 7 eggs. Unbeknownst, to me they appearently had 2 more eggs in there. They hatched on the 12th. When they hatched one more mix went broody. Now one of the original 3 went back in the coop and is sharing eggs with maran and the newest broody... Hopefully, she's just hanging out to get the latest babies moving. Also, I had to buy store eggs :/. So it can happen. As mentioned it just depends on your breeds, enviroment and so on. I think next year I'll separate the first broodies to hopefully keep the rest from going. If you can I'd give it a go. Just don't give then expensive eggs the first time around just in case..
Thanks so much, I think I will give it a go. I've only had one hatch her own and she left the area and came back after 3 wks with babies, then one other whom I separated and she killed 2 other hatchlings that got into her area. But never have I had 6 of them at one time; actually 7 but one is off on her own in a cabinet I turned into a nest box. They love it in there :wee
But never have I had 6 of them at one time; actually 7 but one is off on her own
Seven broody hens?!?!
Curious how big your coop is, how many birds total, and how these nests are arranged..
... got pics?
Do let us know how it all goes.
He is a Golden Appenzeller Spitzhauben. He lost the great rooster showdown as he is cold sensitive and my hens were more apt to my Isbar. So I gave him to people that coop their chickens in their garage at night.. Beautiful birds. They aren't great in cold appearently though.
Seven broody hens?!?!
Curious how big your coop is, how many birds total, and how these nests are arranged..
... got pics?
Do let us know how it all goes.
Yes, 7! But they are those seabreeze hens [I think that's what they are or perhaps anconas but different colors of black, grey and spots or speckled?? -they were given to me] and one of mine I hatched 2 yrs ago. Those little hens can't make up their mind to sit still and I think they play musical chairs. I have a ix of large and small birds of 24 in a 8x8 coop and 10 nest boxes up on one wall and extra round feed low-rise buckets on bottom floor. The roosting bars are on 3 walls with floors underneath to make cleanup easier. 2 walls hold 2 bars and floors each. I get you pics when I get back; doc appt. coming up and he's 40 mins away.

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