Do you PLAY with your kids?

I played with my son and I play with my nephews. One of their favorite games is for them to be the farmer and me to be the rabbit. Do you know hard it is for an overweight 47 year old woman to be a rabbit? But I do for their joy. When my son was younger, he LOVED remote control anything, so YEAH I played!!!!
i must confess i don't get down and play, dd has nearly every "little people" set fp makes, and she spents hours pretending , she likes drawing and coloring most.

how about "make and bake" clay they could create their stuff and people,
I used to ALOT but now since working full time it's harder. BUT he stays with grandma and she plays with him all day long on the floor. They crawl around pretending they are monkeys who live in a cave and other things. Her house is so messy when I go to pick him up LOL She does nothing but play with him. I love that about her. I do get to play on my days off though
And daddy does after he gets home from work for an hour.
I'm not good at imagination games. Never have been. I had all kinds of Barbies, including a 3 story house (hand-me-downs) as a kid but even then felt silly making up stories with them. So, in that respect I don't play with my DD. But, I'm usually the one out in the yard throwing a ball with her (DH throws like a girl!) and we do lots and lots of crafts together. I also LOVE to color, so we've always done that together (talk about a cheap stress reliever). Our family also plays board games together a lot.
I agree with Katy,I played with my kids and now the grandkids. The children will always have fond memories after we're gone... My Mom always played with me.I'll always remember that... Now ,when my kids and grandkids come over for dinner,my grown,married,son, chases them all over and they get out the nerf guns and run all over the house.They always have a ball with uncle Anthony.He and his wife are expecting a baby boy in march.There will be another little one tearing around thru Nana & Papa's house....We love every,crazy, minute of it.Can't wait for Christmas....
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If PLAY has to mean pretending to be a dragon or building Legos, I guess I am not a playmate parent. I never played with Barbies when I was 6, so it didn't occur to me to pick them up at 36. However, I think I am a FUN parent. We have always had fun hiking, rowing in our rowboat, digging in the garden...

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