Does a Broody know when to stop sitting on eggs that don't hatch?

My broody lasted not quite three days, then he pooped in the nest and walked away with her babies. I candled what was left and put the three possible latecomers in the incubator, just in case. Mama swiped two eggs from her sisters' nests on Day 3, so if we have nothing in five days, the leftovers will go and we'll start over. I'm happy with the four babies we have. I just can't help hoping that at least one of these eggs will hatch, too.
Ever the optimist and ever hopeful!

I let her out the other day and she pooped a big green cow patty it was so gross! I tried to let her out after that and she wouldn't budge. I knew then the move was successful.
My broody lasted not quite three days, then he pooped in the nest and walked away with her babies. I candled what was left and put the three possible latecomers in the incubator, just in case. Mama swiped two eggs from her sisters' nests on Day 3, so if we have nothing in five days, the leftovers will go and we'll start over. I'm happy with the four babies we have. I just can't help hoping that at least one of these eggs will hatch, too.
Ever the optimist and ever hopeful!

We have at least one more peep! I came down this morning to one wet, exhausted baby!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
Jackie - HiJacked  Egg.jpg

Meet "Jackie" (hopefully not "Jack!") from the egg Pepper hijacked from one of her sisters ...
I took this pic,
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And as I was cropping this pic I noticed something didn't look right so I went up and lifted Olivia up and there are 6 out of 8 eggs hatched, and 5 chicks, that one in the top left corner didn't make it. It was wet and smelled. So I removed. Gave them some fresh bedding, outside the nest box. Next step is to remove the kennel cage.
There are 4 of the 6 that have hatched, one egg left doesn't look promising. Poor things are so hot, the heat indices is so bad here. I have a fan running but all that does is keep the hot air moving. didn't take them long to get dry and fluffy!
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Just a better pic of mom teaching her babies to eat, one egg still has not hatched and she is no longer sitting on it but, it is hot enough out if it is going to hatch it doesn't even need to be incubated!
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Isn't Olivia a beautiful mom? She is and old one but being a good one!
I wish! I thought so, too at first, but it's a dirt spot. Mama "christened" the nest as she left with the four she hatched herself ...
That one hadn't pipped, but the other one did. I left it alone when it "rested" and shouldn't have. The poor baby died with its' beak sticking out of the egg. I know, Nature knows best, but it's still a heartbreaker. I candled the last egg, the one with the "dirt pip," and it's very much alive and moving! I'm taking no chances with this one. As soon as it pips internally (there's still a really big air sac, so not yet) I'll start monitoring, just in case it needs some help. I hate to do it, but these babies all need a chance .. .the survival of the Nankin breed depends on it!
Just a better pic of mom teaching her babies to eat, one egg still has not hatched and she is no longer sitting on it but, it is hot enough out if it is going to hatch it doesn't even need to be incubated! View attachment 1436435 View attachment 1436436Isn't Olivia a beautiful mom? She is and old one but being a good one!

What a pretty mama! And I always love pics of new fluffybutts! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy Well, not just pics, LOL - I've got an incubator that often gets me into trouble! I've been known to fill multiple tote brooders with babies! :oops::th I just love fluffybutts!:celebrate:love


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What a pretty mama! And I always love pics of new fluffybutts! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy Well, not just pics, LOL - I've got an incubator that often gets me into trouble! I've been known to fill multiple tote brooders with babies! :oops::th I just love fluffybutts!:celebrate:love

I have an incubator that is getting me in trouble too! I use it mostly for hatching my meat birds. Keeps the cost of my meat down. But when you have a rooster, and you add other eggs to the incubator. You end up with more chicks than you need.

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