Does anyone in these pic's look like they're about to lay???

anyhoo, my girls are just under 6 months and they look older than yours. i have my first 2 eggs. one today, one in the last few days of dec. pretty far apart afaic.

since mine look more developed and are freeloading for the most part, i would wait a few more weeks on yours, maybe longer unless you are giving them supplemental light.
I was in your same situation in early December. I bought "supposedly" 6 month old hens in October and it was early December and no eggs. I have BR's and EE's. Low and behold in mid December I got my first egg. I am now getting 3 eggs a day out of my 14 hens but considering they are young and it's winter, I am pretty happy. As fellow BYC'ers told me....just wait....the eggs will come. Once my first BR's comb and waddle turned bright red it was about 2 weeks and I found a little pullet egg. I guess it takes them a while to settle into their new surroundings, food, puberty, etc.

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