Does anyone raise quail on the ground?



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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Apr 9, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all :frow

We're planning on putting quail in our enclosed garden and are making a few small shelters for cover in the rain and wind. I need to know what a good size is for these structures.

The enclosed area is 12' x 16' and we're hoping to be able to keep 2 males and 12 females full time.

Suggestions please!
Hi all :frow

We're planning on putting quail in our enclosed garden and are making a few small shelters for cover in the rain and wind. I need to know what a good size is for these structures.

The enclosed area is 12' x 16' and we're hoping to be able to keep 2 males and 12 females full time.

Suggestions please!
You should be ok with the size of the enclosure. As far as building structures for them to get out of the weather, you'd be better off, and so would the quail, if you planted small shrubs and had brush piles to crawl into for them to get out of the rain, sun, wind. (Arizona weather?) cold won't bother them as long as they have a way to get out of the wind. Quail can't handle wet/muddy conditions very well, If you do build a shelter, a 6' x 4' piece of plywood for the top and 3 sides about 14" high should be adequate. Most of the time mine don't use the shelter but that is where I have their feed and water. I run 26 or so quail in a 6' x 6' x 30' pen.
You also want the enclosure to have a top over it, wire or netting depending on predators in your location. They will not "free range". If they get out they will be gone in quick chilly minute.
You will also want to worm the quail twice a year due to the fact they are on the ground and can pick up more parasites than if on wire.
Hope this helps IM
I keep mine in a roofed aviary, but they still appreciate bark/hollow logs/etc. to shelter under. When quail take shelter in a group, they can bunch up pretty tight; your biggest shelters should be just a little bigger than the space it takes for all 14 of them to huddle (in case they all decide on the same hiding spot). Small shelters should probably hold half of them. They should also have at least two ways in and out, so they don't get trapped and overheat in case of a crowd.

Cover doesn't need to be tall; in fact, I've found my quail are most happy with cover they have to duck under or squeeze into. Tight cover also makes it easier for the hens to escape the attention of the roos when they want to.

Since you're repurposing a garden, I assume you'll have room for some shrubby plants; sometimes quail will shelter at the base of one, and other times they're perfectly happy sitting out in the rain.
Thanks everyone for your input, all great ideas that will help!

I hadn't considered a pile of brush, but I can do that. We do live in AZ and the structure is fully enclosed. We've already planned for a bamboo roof and 80% shade cloth on the west wall, it helps slow wind and repel rain. With monsoons though, which means flooding for a short time, a solid structure will be helpful I think. We're going to put a couple on bricks so they don't get wet from underneath and top with some straw.

I've sketched out a rough plan with some desert plants that quail here like for cover and I'm hoping to put in a 3 x 3 patch of xeriscape grass. It'll grow tall but doesn't clump.

Outside the west wall will be more shrubs that'll provide both a wind break and deeper shade in summer.

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