Does Blue lighting effect chick sex?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 14, 2017
Southeast Alabama
Earlier today I read a post that stated hens subjected to blue lighting (like from aquarium light bulbs) will result in more female chicks being hatched. I have goggled, binged, and used other search engines but can't find much on this subject. I know the temp of reptile eggs can effect the sex of the offspring, I have no clue about any correlation in chicken eggs.
If any one has any evidence for lighting or temps leading to more hens instead or roos being hatched, PLEASE post it.
Seems like nearly all my birds that hatch around here are eaters, not layers! :he:th:drool
I know the commercial chicken houses in the area for ConAgra use different special lighting in their broiler and laying houses. When I was young (12-15) and worked in chicken houses, we had to change all the lights when we went from layers to broilers. But I've never been around hatchery egg houses though. Could it be a little known industry secret?
According to Dr. Becker:
"And make sure you’re buying UV bulbs designed for birds. The UV spectrum in aquarium bulbs is in the blue range. If you happen to breed birds, you probably already know that blue spectrum light rays produce more female than male offspring.

So avoid aquarium or fish bulbs, and plant or grow bulbs. Stick with UV bulbs specifically marketed for birds. Place the light about 12 to 18 inches from your birds."
Is this Doc a quack?

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