Does Incubator need to be kept in a dark room?


12 Years
Jul 18, 2007
Sevier county, Tn.
where is the best place for a bator to be?
in a small dark room or can it be kept
a large room that has a lot of activity?
and lights around like the corner of a kitchen?
What I've read (and makes sense)
1. not in direct sunlight

2. keep from drafts

3. and warm room above 60 degrees (I think)

Someone else will have more experience. this is just what I've read in my book.
My incubator is in the living room, I found a stable temp is more important then any thing else. light dosen't have an effect, with the chicks I've hatched. Got some starting to hatch right now

No direct sunlight,I'm talking brightness
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Another thing I learned on the first day.

MAKE sure that whatever you put the bator on it is sturdy. I first put it on a table but the DK's would bump it 'to see'. I moved it to a big sturdy buffet. No more table movement and chancing a cracked/broken egg.
I keep mine in the laundry room so they will not be disturbed by dog,cat kids etc. I keep a thermostatically controlled heater in there so it will come on if it drops below 65 degrees. Here in Montana it is very cold and dry in the winter so i need to make sure the temp stays constant. I also run a humidifier in the room to help keep the hum in the bator. My house normally has Hum of about 10 % without a humidifier so I really need one in the room.

I do open the door to the room severl times a day when I am checking on them and that lets fresh air enter the room.

I also elevate my bator with 2 short 2 by 4's so it is off the counter about 2 inches. That way the fresh air can be drawn in from the holes in the bottom of the bator. I don't know how the air exchange happens when you sit it directly on the counter but I do know the eggs need fresh oxygen.
does the coop stop activity when theres a broody? and during summers when its just the right temp and the mom stays out longer to eat,, the light dont bother,,,, but when hatching, they are drawn to the light, and will go towards it or movement they see, then end up pushing the other eggs around a whole lot more.
Thanks everyone. Will try the
corner of the kitchen counter top its nice
and warm..also will put a lift under it,
pantry too cold and bathrm to hot.
waiting for my Free bator from a friend..

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