Does the feed/farm store ever mix up and sell you the wrong breed?


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
I really wanted a buff Orpington very badly in my flock. The farm store had a new shipment and I let my daughter pick it out since they all looked healthy and the same.

I noticed as she feathered, she was growing white and red feathers. I ended up with a beautiful red sex link. I was over charged since the sex links were a few bucks cheaper then the Orpington's.

Well, I'll try again next time. The same thing happened to my neighbor a month prior and she ended up with a RIR and she was not happy.

Here's cupcake my beautiful sex link. I wouldn't trade her for the world, she's a very gentle pullet.

I'm not sure if your particular feed store has gates around the chick bins, but my local TSC does. It is possible that when costumers handled the chicks, they could have put them back in the wrong bin. Therefore the gender and breeds labeled on the bins do not match up with all the chicks. Red sex links and buff orpingtons look a lot alike as young chicks.
All the breeds have separate bins and these particular chicks were identical. There were about 50 to choose from since the shipment had just arrived. I'm assuming they were marked wrong. The chicks are not their big sellers. Their trees are and their trees are beautiful, we bought a couple ourselves. :)

I do love my sex link. I was able to integrate her with my newly hatched pure bred wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana's that I hatched myself bought from a breeder.

Cupcake is so sweet
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I have found chicks in the wrong bin before my TSC put gates around the bins. I wanted to tell them that their "Anericauna" bin is actually Easter Eggers, but I decided not to. I felt kind of bad though because people were so excited to get their "Anericauna" chicks.
And this year they had BSLs labeled as Barred rocks, because they all had the dots on their heads, so I ended up with 7 black sex links, and no barred rock chicks from that trip.
I have found chicks in the wrong bin before my TSC put gates around the bins. I wanted to tell them that their "Anericauna" bin is actually Easter Eggers, but I decided not to. I felt kind of bad though because people were so excited to get their "Anericauna" chicks.
And this year they had BSLs labeled as Barred rocks, because they all had the dots on their heads, so I ended up with 7 black sex links, and no barred rock chicks from that trip.

The stores know that they don't have true Ameraucana's, that's why they spell the name wrong. They know people will buy them. I have 3 Easter eggers myself and 9 pure Ameracuana's. I decided to join the Ameraucana Breeders Club. I was planning on showing them. The ones I hatched have not been show worthy, but I do have the solid blue eggs. :)

I don't buy my hatchery chicks from TSC, I buy them from a farm store. I was disappointed I didn't get my Orpington. Their barred rocks get mixed up with the cucko marans too. I wish they paid more attention to what's written on the shipment box.
Most of the kids that work at TSC could care less what bin what chick goes in.

At least around here, half the time they can't even bother to wait on you in line, too busy talking to their friends standing next to the register about what time they get off and how much they hate their job. They act like it's a chore to get a few chicks for somebody.

Some are nice about it and going to different TSC locations around here (there are 3) you get better service but one town nearby is HORRIBLE for customer service.
Most of the kids that work at TSC could care less what bin what chick goes in. 

At least around here, half the time they can't even bother to wait on you in line, too busy talking to their friends standing next to the register about what time they get off and how much they hate their job.  They act like it's a chore to get a few chicks for somebody. 

Some are nice about it and going to different TSC locations around here (there are 3) you get better service but one town nearby is HORRIBLE for customer service.

Same in my town. I applied for TSC because I feel like I could really help the place out, especially on chick days. I love chickens and teaching people about what I know and would love to help out people getting them for the first time. Doesn't seem to work that way though.
You hit the nail on the head....I think everyone means well, both stores and employees.."It is what it is" really fits here...One wish: At almost 70 years old sure wish I was one of those carefree kids again...The Easter Egger, Americana, Araucana thing is confusing to me because all three apparently descended from the same South American Landrace stock....Everyone makes mistakes: I once got one New Hampshire in a box of 100 Buff Rocks from McMurray.....These people are real pros and even a chick managed to jump their safeguards....Best To All...

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