Does this hatching chic look OK to you?


12 Years
Feb 12, 2007
Wenatchee, Washington

It started hatching yesterday around 12PM. Today at 12 I took the shell off, which was the advice given to me. Now I am wondering if the membrane is coming off fast enough? It is 2:30 now. Should I help it, or wait a few more hours?
since nobody answered your question...i it don't look normal. i'm sorry but sometimes this can happen. cornishman
Yeah, I finally took the membrane off, I didn't have to rip it, it just slid right off. The chick is still alive, but hasn't opened it's eyes, every once in a while it will jerk around. How long does it usually take for them to stand? This is the first time I've hatched an egg in almost 20 years, so I put in mixed breed bantams. I don't mind if they die, but I sure would be happy if they make it! I have another one starting to hatch now, is there anything I should do differently with this one?
I would have waited before helping the peep out. It can take up to 24hrs after the pip starts for some to hatch. This chick may still be ok, they look tuff when first out but after it fluffs up it may make it. It is usually best to allow the peep normal time to do it on it's own.

The chick had taken 24 hrs to get out at 12 PM today. That's when I peeled the shell off like I had been told to do in another post. It is really struggling to get up now. How long should I leave it in the incubator?
Ya terrie I agree, I was typing before the last pic. Only time will tell. I can't stress enough how important it is to let mother nature take care of herself, helping peeps out isn't really helping at all.

Sometimes after the normal 24 period, if there is a dry membrane issue, using an eye dropper with warm water and applying some on the inside of the shell helps the peep to get out. The little ones are building strength escaping the shell.

I had been told that water wouldn't likely help after that long, so to peel the shell off. I'll wait longer next time. In person there really was only a tiny bit of blood, it looks a lot worse in the picture. Although I agree, I'm not sure if the chick will make it.

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