Does this look like mareks disease*pics*

Thank you. I had all the contact info thanks to Wyorp Rock :) I got hold of the lab and everything is set for Monday. I feel bad keeping her alive knowing I'm just going to cull her :(
I don't think she is in pain, she is still eating but her legs are sometimes in the one forward one backward position. I put her on pee pads and rolled up some towels but she still keeps moving around.
Thank you all for your help :) I will make sure I post the results
:hugs Keep us posted.
I went through this with polish as well. I have a lot of different breeds but they are the only ones to come down with it. I decided not to vaccinate. It's been a few years now and I have not had any more problems but I also have not had any more polish come in. I am left with three polish hens that are 9 years old but they are not the polish that had mareks. Good luck.
Well I got my necropsy results back and it was positive for mareks.:(
They also had nematode worms so I need to figure out what I need to give them for that but that wasn't the cause of the problem.
I'm relieved I don't have to wonder anymore but I'm sad at the prospect of what's going to happen to my flock.
At least now when they start showing signs I will cull them and I won't have to watch them suffer.
I have been giving them rooster booster in their water and hopefully that will help their immune systems.
I ended up with a lot of roosters I might have to unfortunately Cull some of them . Once my young ones come of age I think it might be too much. From what I understand it doesn't affect the roosters like it affects the hens. Does anybody know how that works?
I think I'm going to stick to the plan of trying to brood some new hens that are vaccinated so that we still have some hens when the other ones start passing away.
I'm really sad because I have a sweet little hen that I saved when she was a day old baby she got out of the nest. when I found her I thought she was gone but I noticed that she was still a little bit alive so I put it in my shirt and carried her around while I made breakfast for my kids and it was my daughter's birthday :) we call her miracle.
But chances are I'm going to lose her too:( I'm trying not to think about that and I'm hoping that she'll be one of the ones that makes it.
Sorry for the rambling I think I'm just kind of in shock that I was unfortunately right that it was this disease.
Welasharon I also I have only been experiencing this in my polish chicks so far. I have two Polish silkie crosses that hatched this year maybe I'll be lucky and they won't get it.
As I'm understanding some of the chickens won't get it. it's worse for the babies and young hens but there's a possibility some won't get it either.
I appreciate any insight anybody has on this.
Well I got my necropsy results back and it was positive for mareks.:(
They also had nematode worms so I need to figure out what I need to give them for that but that wasn't the cause of the problem.
I'm glad you were able to get more information. I'm sorry to hear that you are having to deal with Marek's. I hope that you don't lose any more.
Since you say nematodes but not which one(s) (roundworm, cecal, capillary, etc.) I would treat with either Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Valbazen.

Fenbendazole dosage is 0.23 ml per pound of weigh given orally for 5 days in a row.
Valbazen dosage is 0.08 ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeat in 10 days.
Hisopathology report
When I talked to them they didn't mention Coccidiosis but it looks like she had coccidia too.
So i'm guessing I need to worm all of them and treat them for Coccidiosis?
Im also guessing they have this because they have weakened immune systems from the Mareks?


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Hisopathology report
When I talked to them they didn't mention Coccidiosis but it looks like she had coccidia too.
So i'm guessing I need to worm all of them and treat them for Coccidiosis?
Im also guessing they have this because they have weakened immune systems from the Mareks?View attachment 1866284 View attachment 1866284
It won't hurt to treat them for Coccidiosis.

Marek's can weaken the system and allow other conditions to take hold.

Once you finish all treatments, then I would give vitamins and probiotics for several days. I'm sure you are doing everything you can for them. I'm very sorry that you are having to deal with this :hugs
Ok I have been treating them for Coccidiosis with corrid.
Is there a wormer that I can put on their food or in water instead of each individual bird?
I had been giving them poultry cell before I started corrid .I will start it back up and I got some probiotics also.
I am going to deep clean my coop friday. I have been reading all about Marek's and im thinking of spraying the coop with virkon.
Is that a good idea?
I lost another hen yesterday this time it was a 9 month old silkie when I went in to let them out in the morning she was just lethargic. I put her in the barn and within an hour she was gone it wasn't the same as the other two. she wasn't unable to stand and it wasn't slow it was very fast.:(
I'm sorry to hear you lost another one :hugs

I don't know of a good dewormer that goes in food/water.
I use Valbazen since it's one dose, then repeat in 10days. I measure out what I need into individual syringes (for all my chickens), go out early while they are roosting then grab one, dose her, set her down - repeat until all of them are done. This way I have no chasing to do, they are together on the roosts and the medication is going into an empty crop.
Thank you so much that is a perfect way to individually worm all of them. I had visions of trying to chase them all around the Run :)
I have only used wormer that you feed. I think they need more than that this time. I have been shopping around and i'm finding a big bottle for $45. Do you know where I can get a smaller one?
So I lost my special little miracle chicken tonight:( everybody was fine an hour ago when I was out there. I went to lock everybody in she was just dead in the Run still warm. I'm glad it happened like this and I didn't have to cull her ,that would have been even more heartbreaking :(
This disease is nasty,the last two haven't had the paralyzed legs they just died. it's just shocking to me that they look fine one minute and they're dead the next.
I'm starting to feel like I need to find a Merek 's support group:hit

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