dog attack, chances of survival?


8 Years
Aug 8, 2012
Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia
A neighbourhood dog attacked yesterday, killing 3 and injuring 3 more. One of the wounded went back to the coop this morning, another with no exterior damage died an hour ago (I'm guessing she got stomped on and had internal damage) and I've got one "on the fence". She has several bite marks in her back, the worst one actually exposing the muscles and tissues underneath. She won't eat but did have a drink last night and again this morning. She's puffed up, pretty much motionless but still standing on her own two feet. So far there are no signs of infection :fl

Has anyone else had such a badly damaged bird that survived? I'd love to hear!
I had a Partridge Rock that our dog got a hold of (they are fenced so he can't get in, but occasionally a chicken escapes) and I couldn't find her for 3 days. Finally I found her, she had flew away from the dog and got stuck in a tile and sat there for all those days and it was even raining. Poor thing looked so pitiful when I found her I almost put her down. She had a bite on her back. I confined her for a night and gave her some scrambled eggs for extra protein and surprisingly the next morning she was running around in the cage! It was incredible. I think her wound was more superficial than anything. But it's hard to tell from just a visual exam.

Hopefully yours will be ok. I'd put some antibiotic ointment on the cuts. I believe you can give her an oral antibiotic if she shows sign of infection, but I'm not sure what type so hopefully if you need it you can find that info.
Chickens can heal from things you couldn't even dream of. Take the two injured and bring them inside the house so the other chickens do not attack (survival of the flock, take out sick and injured) and they have less stress. Give antibiotics to prevent infection, clean out the wounds, provide extra heat (hard to keep warm while ill or injured), and give a vitamin or honey supplement in their water. Good luck!
Thanks! And yeah, I did bring them both in last night. One was well enough to go back out this morning and I watched to make sure he didn't get picked at and prepped the addition just in case he needed to be seperated.

I managed to coax the houdan girl into a few nibbles. I also gave her a haircut so she can see better. She's been napping off and on all day but when she's awake she's very alert so I'm hopeful. I haven't applied any ointments yet; sometimes they're good to use and other times they can make problems worse. I am checking her wounds every few hours to see how they're doing and so far they seem to be closing up on their own. The one is quite bad, though - if I didn't think she'd die from the added stress and pain I would've stitched it, it's that big!

I like the honey idea! And I have the good stuff, too! Gonna make her up a bowl right now :)
Okay, this is graphic... I moved the feathers aside to show the worst wound. If you zoom in a bit, you can see how deep it is. It has shrunk considerably, though - it's now about 50-75% of its original size! I thought about slapping on a bandaid but decided it wasn't necessary because she's in a clean environment and the feathers sit overtop of it kinda like an umbrella :) There is one feather stuck in it, but I'm not touching it. Pic will be in next post - byc uploading from tablet doesn't always work and then all my writing disappears!
I have seen them survive much worse then that. Good care and she should be back to new sooner then you think. Just make sure she doesn't get it infected.
I have seen them survive much worse then that. Good care and she should be back to new sooner then you think. Just make sure she doesn't get it infected.

That's very comforting, thank you :) I think I'm past the infection danger zone - or nearly so, anyway. The wounds are pretty much scabbed over except the big one and there are no signs of pus or even inflammation.
Wow, she's a hundred times better today! She's been eating a lot more this morning and I think spiking her water with honey is giving her maybe a liiittle bit too much extra energy! She tried climbing out of her tub but put her foot back down when I told her to stay put :)

The tub is no longer good enough for her. It's actually a rabbit cage, but it got damaged this winter and the top won't go back on. The downside to her energy/moving-aboutedness (light flight): she pulled the critical wound open. Gave it a salt water wash when I got home from work today. I was planning on wrapping her with a strip of old shirt (warmth, keep others from pecking her wounds) and returning her to the coop but with the opening of the wound and the frigid temperatures I'm keeping her in. But she's anxious, that much has been obvious! I wish her sister made it, then they could keep each other company and she might be more relaxed.

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