Dog chewed through chainlink fence—8 chickens dead.

I'm so sorry about your chickens
I am so glad that your wife took those pics and you called animal control. I hope those people get fined a-plenty! I've seen this story time and time again, and it's so sad that these people who "LOVE DOGS" don't respect other peoples space and property by leaving them run around.

GOOD FOR YOU! Glad you're not giving up!

I was upset when I lost two and my own dogs killed them. So I would be beside myself furious if one of my neighbors dogs got ahold of any of them. So sorry you lost so many of them I know how expensive raising chicks up to layers is and its very disheartning to know that you just lost Eggs which equals $$.
Haven't read the entire thread, but chain link comes in several gauges (thickness of the metal, and therefore directly related to its strength) as well as with several different sizes of openings. The smaller the opening, the stronger the fencing. Economy chain link has light weight gauge and large openings. Chain link specifically made for dog kennels is more likely to be heavier gauge, but definitely verify the gauge against what is available from a local fence builder--not from the warehouse home stores such as Home Depot and Lowes, who have value priced products, but usually a far less varied selection. There is even chain link that is labeled for pool fencing: very small openings, very heavy gauge.
Why is an owner less responsible for a cat than a dog? And why does a cat deserve to be killed more than a dog? I mean, in your own words, the cat's just being a cat.

It's contradictory to comdemn killing an animal for just doing what it does, then gleefully look forward to the death of another type of animal, just for doing what it does.

In every case where a domestic animal destroys someone else's property, it's ultimately the owner's responsibility. I don't care if it's as simple of a pet as an antfarm. Just being an animal that you don't personally like doesn't change the owner's role.
Thanks Wynette.
The run (20' x 50') is made from heavy chain link fencing that used to be a dog run and is set in cement on three sides. We are not the owners of the property so my options are limited. Daytime dog threats appear to be neutralized with my recent work. The coop however was designed to be able to fit on a flat bed trailer, has a footprint of 4' x 8' and will move with us when we leave. It's also built like Fort Knox thanks to all the great examples I've seen here on BYC. I even have all the cool features I always wanted like external nest boxes, a feeder that I can fill from outside, plenty of ventilation, and liberal use of hardware cloth. I use the deep litter method and I can reach anywhere in the coop with a rake without stepping foot inside (but I could if I wanted to). I still need to paint it so I can post pics.

This is my 3rd year of raising chickens in two different states and this community has been beyond invaluable. Seriously, kudos to everyone who's contributed to my growing knowledge.


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