Dogs and fleas


11 Years
Aug 23, 2008
I'm getting ready to go out and flea bath the dogs again today. I've been doing this weekly for about a month because the fleas are relentless. Went out to pet the girls yesterday and the fleas started jumping on my hands immediately. Now the first summer we lived here I got the Frontline stuff. But that stuff isn't cheap and if your dog gets skunked a week after you put it on it's a complete waste of money. That summer my dogs got skunked three times. I'm gonna go back to the Hartz stuff. I didn't like it because it is real greasy gooey. But it's getting to be almost to cool out to bathe the dogs. Argh I hate fleas.
Throw that Hartz junk away and buy yourself some Adams. You will be much happier with the results. Take it from someone who has owned and bred dogs for years as well as ran a feed and supply store! Hartz, sergents, zodiac, all a bunch of junk!
I have a flea problem with my dog and cats, the last time there was a flea problem was 20 years ago!

There is a big flea boom lately, I hope they (fleas) haven't gotten resistance from the medicine and are back even stronger. :eek:
Adams is very reasonably priced and it works quite well. I told all my customers about it when I had the store and they seemed to be real pleased with it also. It was my best seller.
Is Adams a spray? Does it come any other way? My dog would freak if I started to spray her. And forget the cats, I'd be scratched up before I pop the top of the can off.
Google it. They have spray, topical, collars, and other stuff. And yes it is reasonably prices. I bathed the dogs today but I think we'll switch to the spray. If I can handle a pointer and a coonhound to bathe them then spraying wont be bad at all.
I sure don't want to start a controversy here about dogs and garlic BUT......I have made my own dog food for almost 3 years now and put garlic in her food. Never gets fleas or ticks. It's cheap and it works.

My dog ( who eats garlic daily ) is the picture of health.

I buy the stuff in the jar but know another woman who uses the powder and her dog is healthy and flealess too.

Hope this helps.

not a controversy at all. But could you add the garlic to canned dog food? If so how much and how often? We always feed our dogs kibble but every third day we mix in a half a large can of canned dog food.

Years ago I did the garlic thing. I was young and dumb and game him too much and he got the runs.

Oh and what is your climate like. We lived in the high desert in CA for a few years and the fleas can't survive the climate. Thus no flea problem.

BTW what is your recipe?
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