Doing Fecal Floats at Home

Quote: I think we would have a lot of fun together, lol. Body snatcher, you bet... the six were so thin and sick and it bothered me that they didn't want to know what killed the them, so I went out to the pile here they dump bodies and took them.
They have a new person in charge of the birds now, and he knows about drugs like Corid, Tylan and Baytril, so now they do get medical attention when they need it.

I think one or both of you should write an article on doing fecal floats and enter the article writing contest. Heck, maybe you could do one together?

X10! Last night's viewing session was not ideal - still trying to figure out the digital camera. I did floats of a sample of frothy cecal poo, a "normal" poop with a glob of "intestine" in it, and one from a recovering goose (clean!!, not shown). Here are 2 photos I took - still working on exposure and focus with the digital camera. Terrible image! I think this is a worm egg. From the shape, I'd guess a round worm (Ascaris) or a cecal worm (Heterakis). Note newbie error - not showing a scale and expressing size in micrometers (µm). This would really help in identification. I will do so next session and show how. This image was worse, so I had to process it (using the free program Irfan view). I think this is Eimaria (coccidia) because of the double membrane, and the contents look like ground glass. The magnification is [10x ocular x 43x objective x2 digital camera) 860x (previous photo was 10 x 10 x 2 = 200x) If I had the good sense to measure it, I could use Kathy's chart to figure out which type of coccidia. I'm guessing E. tenella. KSKingBee - does your camera do better than this? Mine is 2MP. I think yours is 5MP I also saw these UFOs. No idea. I think they are too large to be pollen. Every time I post an image, BYC asks me to affirm that [COLOR=333333]I am not uploading any copyrighted or offensive material.[/COLOR] These are pretty offensive! Ha ha!
First picture looks more like a strongyle type egg if it is an egg - the magnification that you mentioned makes theses eggs small compared to strongyles type - the 2nd picture looks like an ascarid more than any coccidia but again - the magnification is throwing me off - you can usually see most parasites with 100x mag - 10x ocular plus 10x objective - the coccidia will be very small at 100x and the ascarids will be prominent. the last picture is pollen, you will see different types of UFOs depending on type of year and what your birds are eating. Disclaimer: I'm a vet so I make a living looking at poop (among other things :)
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First picture looks more like a strongyle type egg if it is an egg - the magnification that you mentioned makes theses eggs small compared to strongyles type - the 2nd picture looks like an ascarid more than any coccidia but again - the magnification is throwing me off - you can usually see most parasites with 100x mag - 10x ocular plus 10x objective - the coccidia will be very small at 100x and the ascarids will be prominent. the last picture is pollen, you will see different types of UFOs depending on type of year and what your birds are eating.
Disclaimer: I'm a vet so I make a living looking at poop (among other things

Thank you for chiming in!
Welcome to our corner of BYC and I sure hope you stick around!
I think we would have a lot of fun together, lol. Body snatcher, you bet... the six were so thin and sick and it bothered me that they didn't want to know what killed the them, so I went out to the pile here they dump bodies and took them.
They have a new person in charge of the birds now, and he knows about drugs like Corid, Tylan and Baytril, so now they do get medical attention when they need it.


Kathy did the necropsy say anything about blackhead? I had always heard loose mustard colored poo, suspect blackhead. Cocci is bad enough but with blackhead would be a peachick killer for sure.
And your horses' poop! Save a bundle; worm with the drug appropriate for what you find, vs. a blanket worming with chemicals you don't need.

Miss Veronica Lake, a registered Appendix Quarter Horse and all around great gal
I think we would have a lot of fun together, lol. Body snatcher, you bet... the six were so thin and sick and it bothered me that they didn't want to know what killed the them, so I went out to the pile here they dump bodies and took them. :oops:  They have a new person in charge of the birds now, and he knows about drugs like Corid, Tylan and Baytril, so now they do get medical attention when they need it.


Kathy did the necropsy say anything about blackhead? I had always heard loose mustard colored poo, suspect blackhead. Cocci is bad enough but with blackhead would be a peachick killer for sure.

Necropsy showed no sign of blackhead, just severe coccidiosis, and one of them had visceral gout which was probably due to dehydration. I'll see if I can find a copy of the report and post it.


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