Doing the deed!

Chickens will lay eggs even if there is no rooster around. The eggs just won't be fertilized.

Just be patient. If she's not laying yet, she will be soon. Then you'll have more eggs than you can keep track of.
My rooster Jean-Robert, now has a girlfriend named Ethel. She is ALWAYS around. He can't get rid of her. He finally gave in and did the deed with her. She apparently liked it cuz she's still right by his side.

He's a Cuckoo Marans. She's a SLW. They are gonna make some pretty babies together (if she ever starts laying either).

Awww, My Chickens Are In Love
Well they are older and have laid before... not with me but with the last owners

The Chicken Lady- I know... when you have both sexes do you get more eggs or is it the say either way?

I got them as a pair.....

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