Doing what needed to be done- first euthanasia

I haven't had to do this yet, so my heart is with you. In medicine, when we we learning, the boss would always try to plan several of the same surgeries in a short time period. It helps to "set the skill" in your brain. I realize you can't plan when a chicken needs to be put down, but maybe in the future if you know you have roosters that might need to be dispatched, you can plan to do them in groups, a week apart?

I won't kill my ducks, but don't need to either, yet. If one was dying, I'd reach deep inside me and find a way to do it. I used to work for vets and help euthanize dying dogs and cats. None were ever euthanized that weren't within hours of dying anyway, but it was something I had to learn to be emotionally mature about, since I started working there at 15.5 years old. It's MUCH MUCH harder to be with your own pet that you deeply love. Have had to do that twice in the last month and thought it would kill me....

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