Don't know what to do.....

<3<3 I <3 Chickens <3<3

10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
So, my chicken has gon broody... oh gosh! I really don't know what to do, all I can say is this: I just recently found her nest and this is my first broody chicken ever. I do have a rooster, so the eggs sould be fertile.

Do you think I am prepared for my chicks?

I was hoping somebody would have some good advise.

Mother Nature has kicked in, don't worry. Mama hen knows what to do, let give her access to food and water and she will do the rest. In a short time you will have baby chicks following her all over the place. There is no real need for you to do anything, she will take care of the chicks. You will see that even the rooster will give her a wide berth.
I don't know if I can put water in front of her- she is totally 100% surronded by windows (yeah, I know, her choice spot, not mine) but when she comes out she runs around like a crazy person!!!
I just put a small feeder and water close to my girls' boxes. 4 foot away. They do range out further, do a little scrtching, run around, poop and head back to the box.

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