Dove housing


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Modesto Ca
I still havent got any doves yet, but I think I'm getting 2 pairs.
Now my parents and I were wondering, what's the cheapest and easiest form of housing for them? They will need to stay outdoors year round( I can get a heat lamp in there for the winter).
Any suggestions. We wanna go super cheap. I was thinking putting together a frame and just buying chicken wire. It would be 4 feet long and about 2 feet tall
I just bought a pair of doves today and I have them sharing a 6x4 foot aviary with my quail. The're pretty spoiled, but I hope the two groups don't fight with eachother.
Currently I have pairs in raised cages I made that are 2' x 3'. I've got 5 younger birds in one of the cages but as soon as I figure out which one exactly is the female I'll be removing the extra boys

You don't want to use chicken wire because anything can reach through it and grab them out. If you make your own cages at least use 1/2" hardware cloth. I did not use heat lamps on mine this past winter and it was pretty rough. Their pens were covered completely on 3 sides with only the south open.

They need a minimum of 24" x 24" per pair, but the more room you can give them the better. Mine will be getting an aviary this summer...complete with goldfish pond!

My current dove cage:

Side view:


Some of the happy residents:

Cheap? Scrounge around for scrap wood. Probably won't be pretty, but it can work. I saw a picture of a coop made from an old dresser, a few 2x4s and some hardware cloth.

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