Dove layed an egg!

The Red Rooster

Poultry Observer
8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Rapid City, South Dakota
I'm super excited about my first dove egg! I have a few questions though.

She layed it in the feeding dish. Is that going to be okay?

The male is also sitting on the egg. They seem to take turns keeping it warm. Is that normal?

How long until the egg hatches?

Thanks for the advice!

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I would take the food out of the dish of course and leave the egg (soon to be two) in place. Pigeons and doves do take turns incubating and feeding the babies :) Sometimes they choose weird places to nest. Even my pigeons will nest on the floor when there are available nest boxes to use. I've had them nest in the feed dishes before, in corners, even in front of the door!
My Ringnecks layed an egg and in feed dish a few weeks ago. I took the eggs out since others use the feed dish also. Yesterday the birds finally made a real nest and there was an egg in it yesterday! Hopefully I discouraged them from using the nest box in the future. Goodluck with your eggs!
Nice doves very good looking. my male sets the eggs more then the female seems to. My albino ring neck doves always lay in there nesting box, but my morning doves will without a dbout lay in the floor of the aviary. I have blue diamond doves and they like to lay in the finch nest when ever my finch has eggs i'm not shore why though.
Thank you everybody! I found a second egg in the feeding dish. I don't have a nest to move them into.. I wasn't planning on hatching any eggs. All seems like it's going good so far. I'll take some pictures when they hatch.

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