Dragon stables



Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

2) No one will be excluded (banned, kicked out, etc) from the role plays except by BYC Staff.
3) While we expect that the originators of the game will set the tone and theme for the game, they are not moderators and will not act or represent themselves as such.
4) Role Plays and games are not owned by role play originators and are not to be claimed as such.
5) You agree not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't. If your role play has copyrighted images, you need to remove them.
6) Do not post violent, gory or murderous games. they will be closed without warning.
7) We realize this is strict, but BYC is a place for all ages to come and learn about chickens. We want everyone to feel safe here. If these rules are too restrictive, there are places on the internet where free-for-all games are allowed.

Setting: like our world but modified for dragons. (No bigger then a horse)
Story: dragons of all sizes have been long since domesticated into people's homes. They used to have many uses in warm, in transportation, on farms, but humans developed and now their more used for entertainment purposes. That being the case, many stables have popped up to house such dragons and teach young handlers how to ride/train/ and or capture such dragons for the purpose of competition and companionship. Their is one such stable that is famous for producing some of the best trainers and riders. That stable is known as star flame stable. And many students and instructors pass work, learn, and house their dragons here. They take it trained, untrained, and wild dragons alike as long as the students can handle them. So what will your life as a dragon/human, be like here.

PS: humans know how to defend against their fire.
(Please use the same character profile as mine)

My characters

Name: charger
Gender: male
Age: 9 yr
Looks: this dragon is a brilliant sapphire blue. He's about the size of a Clydesdale horse, just a little larger. He has no spines along his back, but spines on his tail that he can launch.
Breed (optional): Asian blue
Info(optional): Asian blues are an aisian breed, bred for wartime originally and have the deadly tail spines for accurate swift kills and attacks. But now their used in endurance races and aerial acrobatics competitions.
Perso: charger is an out going daring male who loves nothing more then to please his owner, Andrew. He also loves conversing with the other dragons.
Bio: charger was bought for Andrew when the boy was six years old. He was brought to him as a day old hatchling and was raised by them. He's been staying at the stable for about 8 yr now.
Name: star bright
Gender: female
Age: 2 yr
Looks: shimmering black with tiny white star like specks all over. Smooth bare scaled back with silky black feathered wings and tail tip. She's currently covered in injuries.
Breed: Steele feather
Info: another war time breed bred by the ancient romans. Their feathers are hard as steel, but still feather light and fire resistant, along with their scales. Their feathers are extremely sharp. Unlike the Asian blue, this breed was built more for speed. Their a very powerful breed that came about with little intervention from humans, as such they are very prideful and difficult to handle. Their feathers take years to grow back but are incredibly hard to damage. So don't expect them to willingly give you one. But if you do, that means you've worked hard to earn their trust. After technology improved, this breed started to be used more in circuses and entertainment than war.
Perso: star bright is a defensive untrusting female with a strong hatred for humans. She's proud, cunning, and daring.
Bio: She was born as part of the circus scene. The ring master was a cruel man that didn't care for the creatures there and often beat the animals if the refused to comply. Being the proud dragon she is, she often disobeyed to do her own thing, sometimes causing a scene during a show. During the last one, she actually tried to bite him back when he tried to discipline her after a show so he beat her severely. Someone saw this and reported them to the authorities. The circus was then shut down and many of the animals sent to new homes. She was sent to the stable to have her wounds recuperate.
Other: she was whipped in both eyes, one was damaged to the point of no use, the other close. Both her tail and wings were also wounded to, which grounded her. She also has several other wounds to.
Name: Ebony
Gender: Female
Age: 5 years
Looks: Black as night, big scaly wings, has deep red eyes that almost glow at night, long claws, two small horns on the top of her small slender face, size of a normal horse
Breed: I don’t know any dragon breeds lol
Bio: Was wild until she was caught a few months ago, tamed but still a little mean and hasn’t been ridden yet

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