Dream Duck - What's yours?

I got my dream ducks last summer. I have a pair of Dutch Hookbills. They are so sweet and gentle. I finally have a sweet drake who is good with all my girls. I still dream of a few more of them preferably with the classic bibbed dusky pattern and a more hooked bill than mine.

Oh, and my female lays the prettiest blue eggs.
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I love all of my Ducks, especially my little Call drakes but I have to admit that my huge Mule Duck is special to me. She is my friendliest and is quiet and just plain sweet. Being half Muscovy and Half Rouen she seems to be the best of both worlds. I hatched her out of her shell and I think she knows it was me that saved her.
Oh, so many. My dream breed hands-down has got to be Saxonies, especially the Saxony hens. I still remember first searching through duck breeds and coming across this picture from McMurray’s hatchery - I mean, how stunning 😍

My other top favorite breeds are Blue Swedish, Cayuga, and Welsh Harlequin hens, specifically the Welshes with lotsss of extra white. Here’s another great example from McMurray.

*Edit to add, I also have a newfound love for Muscovy ducks! I don’t have a specific color or breed that I like yet, but I do love their caruncles and long, wagging tails :love

My actual dream duck plumage that doesn’t really have a specific breed would be a chocolate, white-bibbed duck with random splotches of white throughout their body. These pictures of the Chocolate Anconas from Worth It Farms is rather similar, but not quite what I’m imagining.

Personally, I’d want the duck to be mostly chocolate, and have the white-bib and white-splotches be distinguishable from each other.

Despite it being a defect, I do still quite like the appearance of crested ducks, so if any of these ducks were also crested, it would just be the cherry on top ☺️

I haven’t really thought about a dream temperament. I think the obvious answer is ducks that walk right up to you, follow you around, don’t mind being touched, and drakes that never fight, and always ask for consent to mate 🤣 But that’s a bit unrealistic, hence it being a ‘dream’ temperament.

I basically have my dream temperament with my ducks already - they’re loud, bossy, walk up to me for food, will eat out of my hands. One of my hens wags her tail just at the sight of me. My drake is about as mellow as a drake can be. It’s very nice. I don’t think I’d change a thing :)
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I got my dream ducks last summer. I have a pair of Dutch Hookbills. They are so sweet and gentle. I finally have a sweet drake who is good with all my girls. I still dream of a few more of them preferably with the classic bibbed dusky pattern and a more hooked bill than mine.
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Oh, and my female lays the prettiest blue eggs.
These are what I have always wanted ❤️
MUSCOVY! (you needed to ask?) I would love to get some Lavenders. I love all their patterns, but I think my preferred one is the Whitehead Magpie pattern.

As for regular domestics, I really like Buff Orpingtons, as well as Saxony and Welsh Harlequins.
Ohh, I wasn’t even thinking about Muscovies:th just the domestic-mallard breeds. I need to add Muscovy to my answer!!

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