Dreamers Nook introduction

Dreamers Nook

Aug 17, 2023
We're a tiny farm (thus the name) out in the middle of nowhere, well, cattle land anyway in Great Grasslands of Colorado. Our neighbors are cows and occasionally antelope, or once in a great while, deer.

I'm not new to chickens, though has been awhile, nor raising babies, even many types of birds. But this is my first time for chicks.

I found BYC site last year when I inherited 6 hens and a lovely rooster from a friend. I didn't have much time to really prepare, got a cheap small (not price wise though) put together yourself coop, an enclosed pen (we fenced floor as well), and 1 grazing pen, was in process of building another. We have dogs and sometimes semi traffic, besides coyotes (they don't come too close but still!), so the grazing pens give them fresh greens and room to run and explore. Long story short, we weren't ready for a sudden blizzard that demolished pen and coop.

Over the winter, I researched and had to decide either scratch it all as a loss, or start over. The investment it would take to deal with harsh winters and high wind, was a bit, so meant being in "for the long haul".

Until now, my passion has always been horses. Though, we have enough acreage for 2, especially if we can board with the neighbors, it's not financially possible at the time, especially with just starting out, remodeling and etc.

I've heard of horse crazy, would have never believed it to be possible over chickens. Welp...I got the "chicken fever".

I wanted multipurpose, winter hardy, friendly breeds. And the biggest thing, pretty feathers. I'm a retired, custom leather designer/Native American artist. So I use feathers alot. Once I started looking, I was amazed at the colors!!!

So ended up ordering 40 (a couple of each):
4 colors of Wyandottes
Buff Orpington
Rhode Island Red
Blue Australorp
Speckled Sussex
Silver laced Polish
Mille Fleur d'uccle
Porcelain d'uccle
2 Pied guineas
All supposed to be hens but last 4, mixed. I'm hoping for a rooster from both bantam, for breeding purposes. The possibility of new colors.

I ordered 25 chicks, 2 guineas from Ideal, 15 from Hoover's (our TSC hatchery). Received Ideal's first Aug. 17th, lost all the bantam but one each, all but one Polish, twelve in all.
None from Hoover's. I did better with replacement batch, only lost 3 out of 15 so far, that I received Thursday. Everyone looks great.

I love how friendly everyone is, am amazed how fast they grow. I am so looking forward to seeing their colors develop. It's enjoyable and funny watching them, since I do spend a bit of time with them they definitely know my voice. They are too cute.
Welcome. What did you end up doing for your coop and run?
Due to limited time I settled for a pre-built shed from Cumberland, as bought one from them in the past. We put the windows in ourselves, insulated, and I divided a small area for storage and future brooder. The main pen, we're restoring the bent poles and etc, as it's covered top and floor. I keep them I. It when we're gone. The grazing or run pens are just fenced.

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