Dry pox observations


9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
North Florida
Last year my chickens had fowl pox. Typical lesions...round patchy bumps on the combs and the wattles. Went away on its own.

This year my polish and other non-typical comb varities got pox as bumps on their faces and on the beaks themselves. Some who were worse off got them all over their legs. The bumps on the beaks started out looking like warts but got larger and then hardened and turned blackish. When the bumps came off the beak was almost always eroded somewhat under the bumps and had to heal.

Only different one was a silkie that got it in/around her eyes to the point that they were completely closed. I did what I could to keep them from sealing and she had a slight vision loss but did retain enough sight to be okay in with the others.

My mom adopted two chickens from up north and they got fowl pox. Sex link few spots nothing more. The seabright (who is 9 years old) got wart-hog looking lumps all over her entire head and face and later a huge one on the beak which eroded a large portion of the beak.

Has anyone else seen similar variations? Are there different strains of fowl pox?

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