Greystone farm

Jul 7, 2020
Hello and good morning! Today, I have a bunch of questions about breeding ducks.
As some of you might know, I have 3 female ducks and a drake, and am expecting ducklings sometime in the future. Problem is, I don't know a thing about hatching or raising duckings! I need some help ASAP. Here are some of my major questions...
How many ducklings should I expect from my three ducks?
Will I ever have to separate my drake from the ducks to prevent over breeding?
Should I let my ducks incubate their eggs?
Should I let the ducks raise the ducklings, or would that decrease their chance of survival?
If I were to sell ducklings, would purebreds be best, and for how much?
And finally, how many ducks can fit into a 4 foot squared coop, and how much room will I need per duck?
I may be overreacting, but am super exited for some little ducklings! If you have answers to any of my questions or any tips, let me know! Thanks so very much for any help at all!
Ok, I would let your ducks hatch their own eggs you won’t have to clean a duckling bin at all! You may have to separate you drake not because of over breeding, but (if you let the hens hatch) because he may try to drown the male ducklings depending! My drakes did tried that before! I sell mine on Craigslist and make posters that say ducklings for sale and my local feed store will let me put them up! My pure and mix ducklings sell nice so I don’t know where you live and what people like the most there or if they care what they are! I read so me where (I always forget where I read something) that ducks should have enough room to flap their wings without hitting any one. I think that’s it! If you have any more questions I’ll try to answer them!

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