Duck dead out of nowhere, how did she die?


Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
Yeah, I'm back again with another post :/
This time, my first hatched duck, Newt, died.
She died right in front of her mate, Buzzard (who was in drake jail)
I don't have pictures as we already boxed her up but she had blood coming out of her beak and on the right side of her neck, her feathers are kinda fluffed up but they aren't wet.
I don't think it would be a snake (I've already had two ducklings die by a snake and I noticed their feathers get wet when the snake tries to swallow it and I've also noticed that it tends to roll the body around a lot trying to swallow it and where Newt's body was, there wouldn't be much room for a snake to roll her around plus I don't think that snake would come back and attempt to kill another duck since it wasn't able to eat the other two -- yes there is a possibility it could've been another snake but the one that killed my other two ducklings is the "main" snake and the only one we tend to see)
The past few days she had been panting a lot, I thought it was the heat at first but they have a place to go in the shade and they can swim in their pool to cool down, that's what my three ducklings were doing. I had placed her in the pool in the shade but she still panted every now and then.
Is it a possibility she was sick? If so, what was she sick with and would my other ducks get sick too? Currently, the rest of the flock is acting normal and fine. I don't think the ducklings would've killed her since they are scared of her and tend to spend most of their time in the pool.
Was she the duck you were thinking was egg bound?
Very sorry for your loss.
Yes she was.
She did eventually lay 4 eggs (one of them was kinda deformed) but she stopped laying for about three or four days but she still acted normal.
Is it possible the ducklings stressed her out and she had heart failure or something along the lines of that? She did seem very stressed not having her drake protect her from the ducklings.
Very hard to know what may have caused her death. I had a Muscovy egg bound I brought her in let her soak in warm water off an on all day the next day she laid and egg that evening she died. I think she had an infection and since they hide things so well I had no idea. Only way to know for sure is necropsy. I can't imagine the ducklings stressing her out enough to cause heart failure. Were they picking on her alot?
Very hard to know what may have caused her death. I had a Muscovy egg bound I brought her in let her soak in warm water off an on all day the next day she laid and egg that evening she died. I think she had an infection and since they hide things so well I had no idea. Only way to know for sure is necropsy. I can't imagine the ducklings stressing her out enough to cause heart failure. Were they picking on her alot?
I'm sorry about that.

Not necessarily. When the ducklings got too close to her, she would quack really loud and run around and she would sometimes chase the ducklings. They usually just kept their distance from each other.

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