Duck Depression (What should I do about ducklings that suffered the loss of a member?)


In the Brooder
Oct 22, 2016
Last night, while I was in a concert, Tucker managed to flip his food bowl with him inside. He got stuck and suffocated. While this is sad, I'm concerned about the health of my other ducks. I have five females, who will all be three weeks old on Monday. Even though only a little time has passed, the remaining ducks seem unhappy. He did die somewhat in front of them, the food bucket was a recycled gallon container that had a small hole cut in the side. I don't even know how he managed to fit in it. We had to cut it apart to get his body out. The other ducks peep like they are searching, and they go on "hunts" outside. They all start peeping as if they've been separated and make large circles around the yard. Are they going through a duck depression? I know geese can die from it, can ducks? I'm mostly worried about Ebony. She seemed especially attached to him. I notice that she would only let him approach her when they were bedding down. She sits by herself now, and she's not as talkative as she used to be. If she is going through depression, is there anything I can do for her?

By tomorrow it will all be forgotten......They will be fine......:)

Sorry that happened to the other Duckling......:(

Best wishes.....

It happens. Thank you for the quick response. It's comforting to know I don't have to worry about someone dying of depression in the night.

No, they are too young to have developed that strong of a bond yet.....Possibly you humanized their feelings a little bit?...;)

They are not going to die....:)


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