Duck Egg Production and Other Stuff


7 Years
Apr 12, 2017
Atlanta, GA
My Coop
My Coop
Our ducks are an year old. Our 8 females have been consistently laying an average of 7 eggs a day since they started laying in January. Most days we would get 8 eggs. However, their production has been going down, 5-6 eggs is normal now; 8 eggs is rare. Today we only got 4 eggs. There hasn't been any changes in there diet, bedding, etc. They've just been going in earlier than usual due to shortened day lengths; nothing sudden.

Is this a seasonal thing? When does duck egg production typically drop-off?

Also a question about seasons. How long does mating season last? And when do ducks molt? Our drake has gotten a new coat of feathers and I noticed our ducks' feathers are a little threadbare.

Erin A
Last edited:
Ducks usually molt twice a year, actually... breeding season is generally just before spring and all through it, eclipse molt in summer, then back to nuptial plumage in fall... most ducks can and do breed year round, but the hormonal stages is throughout spring...

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