[DUCK] egg stuck ?!


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2022
hi all, i would appreciate any advice i can get. previously, i wasn’t too worried about this situation, but as a couple days have gone by, i’ve done some web searches that alarm me.

so, the bird in question is khaki campbell (high laying) between 2-3 years old, closer to 3. she has generally been laying 5 eggs a week for the last few months (she stopped during the heat of californias summer, and resumed laying in the autumn of last year, hasn’t stopped since.) it has been 5 total days since she has laid. i hadn’t been too worried until yesterday, when i noticed that she has pronounced belly sag & has been pumping her tail. she seemed a little tired as well. i gave some rooster booster with some treats in water, some rb in the pen overnight too.

she has been relieving her self normally, still getting around & acting near normal. but since today is the 5th day, i want to ask for help before things become truly dire for her. what can i do to help her pass the egg? does this sound like an egg binding situation? i thought that since she was still relieving herself she couldn’t be, but i’m a novice at this still and may have misremembered. also she hates being touched, wasn’t socialised with people until she was grown, so i’ve never even picked her up. i can definitely try giving her a warm bath and massaging her though, for worms she will do a lot.. i have a short video of her from yesterday evening i will link here:
i’ll be out with her in the dawn in the next hour, i’ll update before i go back to bed.

thank you kindly.
alright, already have an update, hopefully a good one, though more time and observation will tell.

in about 15 minutes of my absence (preparing their breakfast) this came to be in their pen:
the shell texture and thickness didn’t seem to be too abnormal. about the right size and shape for this bird. her bum feathers are definitely more parted now than last night, though i can’t be 100% positive it was hers.

she does seem in higher spirits this morning as well at least, and is still moving well. she has been more talkative too. she still has very pronounced sag belly however.

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