
In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
Adare, Ireland
Today (thursday) I went to candle my 7 duck eggs and top up the water etc. I started looking for an egg which i wasnt sure was alive or not to check it a again when i noticed a pip. The eggs arent supposed to hatch till Sunday so they were still being turned (automatically) and the humidity wasnt right. When i looked a bit closer it looked like a couple of the others had pipped too. I put back the eggs straight away, filled the resevoirs for lockdown and turned off the turning, is it normal for ducks to hatch this early? When i put them back in I heard a chirp and a few of them wobbled
, are they gonna be alright cuz i no there humidity was pretty low if they were hatching. Btw theyre Khaki campbells and 1 indian runner :)
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This is sweet,so happy for you.I have had my ducks lay eggs year round.And they done great.I love my ducks and good luck with these sweet babes,Keep me informed and send pictures if you can,
They'll be fine :) I've had many ducks hatch out on day 26. And yes, they take their time from pipping to actually hatching. Once the first ducklings begin to hatch, the humidity will come up on its on. You could always add a sponge soaked it hot water to jump the humidity quickly. They really don't need too much humidity. But make sure the bator doesn't dry out either. Good luck!
Theres 5 of them rocking around like crazy and theres lots of chirping :D They probably wont hatch till tomorrow, the day theyre supposed to

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