Duck Eggs


Dec 14, 2023
Hey guys! My ducks just started laying I have 4 female and it seems maybe two are laying? The eggs look identical are usually in the bottom nesting box (the chickens won’t use) or on the ground and are a little different from the chicken eggs. But they are the same size as the chicken eggs and it’s been like 2 weeks now i expected them to get larger? Is this ok? They are on a laying feed with yeast and optional calcium on the side.

Also I have a khaki Campbell, Cayuga, Ancona, and a black crested (not sure if that’s a breed all I know is she is solid black)
And I get white eggs but sometimes two so I think the khaki and crested? I think the other two should lay different colors so any info on that is good.
In the pic the duck egg is one the left and a leghorn egg on the right for comparison.


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I'm no expert, just wanted to share my experience with you. I have Cayugas, and I know google says they lay "black" eggs. That was the reason I got them, lol. But mine lay white eggs, even the very first ones were white. Maybe a little on the darker side, but it was still white to me. I also have Pekin and saxony, and those breeds are definitely bigger than my Cayugas. Those lay jumbo eggs, but my Cayugas lay a smaller sized egg, the same size as regular chicken egg. I have no idea about the other breeds you have, just wanted to share that my Cayugas lay regular sized white eggs.

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