Duck Incubation time.. (first timers)



Sep 21, 2017
So my daughter has been begging me to incubate the eggs we have been getting from our 1 Pekin laying, figured I would try out 6 of them that we have collected. Mom Pekin - Dad Blue Swedish.
A few things to consider with this which could cause us to have a poor hatch rate; first time hatching eggs....unsure if the male has been doing his job... started to store eggs on side until was advised about how to store them...
The incubator we are using is the janoel 48, its a still air but from what I read need to keep the temp around 99 degrees. and in the 40% humidity level?
So with the hygrometer/thermometer i bought inside and gauging the units stats which as a little off from each other this should be quite the experiment.
6 eggs down, unknown if fertilized.. Cleaned with warm-hot water and 1 ounce bleach dunk. No scrubbing. Hoping for atleast two to hatch so no lonely ducks, but not expecting any with being first timers and alot of unknowns.
Wish us luck.. any and all advice is welcome.
Still air the temperature should be 101.5 degrees measured at the top of the eggs. Humidity, you'll need to figure out what works for you. I keep mine at 30% and that works for me. I'd start in the 30 to 40 percent range, see how that goes, and make adjustments if necessary.

Good luck!
Lol, good! I was afraid you might've hard boiled them on accident. If your incubator is in celcius, you can set it to about 38.4 to get the right temp.
You washed the eggs and stored on their side?
Not normal practice..The protective bloom needs to be on the eggs and eggs should be stored till incubation in an egg carton pointy end down and then tilted up on a book and then tilted the other way the next day. Eggs can be stored 10 days before incubation. Cool room needed..Then layed on their sides once incubation is started.
sorry i stored them on their side, and before incubation. I did the rinse and dunk into the npip solution, the bleach and water. I did hardly any rubbing to save the bloom. On a side note, knowing it is a day off. I put in today's freshly laid egg since it was slightly bigger. from the normal 1.8 ounces the others were this was 2.4 ounces.

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